organisation sociale vocabulaire

Cards (133)

  • rappeler - to remind
  • se marrier - to marry
  • revanche - revenge
  • nucleaire - a family w/ two adults (normal/common)
  • en hausse - increasing
  • baisse - decreasing
  • un sondage - a survey/poll
  • l'entraide - mutual aid/assistance
  • courants - common/standard
  • recomposer - reconstructed family (remarried)
  • egalement - also
  • accuseir - to accuse/blame
  • plupart - mostly
  • quoiqu'il en soit - in any case
  • mener - to lead to
  • encore - still
  • estiment - estimate
  • raconter - to tell
  • taquiner - to tease
  • negocier - to negotiate
  • un mur - a wall
  • espionner - to spy on
  • se battre - to fight each other
  • veune - a widow
  • recuperer - to pick-up/fetch
  • cher/chere - expensive
  • un lecteur - a reader
  • envoyer - to send
  • le quartier - the district
  • j'en ai assez de - i've had enough of
  • le loyer - the rent
  • jeter - to throw
  • un coup de poing - a kick
  • bouder - to sulk
  • emmener - to lead
  • le permis de conduire - the driving license
  • faire les courses - to do the grocery shopping
  • j'en ai marre - i've had enough of/i'm fed up
  • c'est l'enfer - it's hell
  • reagir - to react