How can we deal with writer's block
1. Do positive self-talk. Affirm yourself.
2. List down your achievements in the previous writing task. (To remind yourself that you are capable.)
3. Conduct an interview with yourself. (Self-evaluate.)
4. Brainstorm about the major and minor details. (What what's on your mind)
5. Divide large tasks into smaller ones. (Organize what needs to be done and do it step-by-step.)
6. Concede the existence of the Writer's Block. (Be delusional and block out the term.)
7. Read for a break. Rest and take a pause.
8. Establish a routine and be faithful to your scheduled time.
9. Cope with badness and be kidney to yourself. (Basically admit you can be mid)
10. Reinvent your space in order to create a conductive writing environment. (Organize your workspace to have the saying a organized working space is an organized mind.)
11. Go back to the start by reminding yourself of the purpose of why you write.