Main keyboard - it occupies the largest portion at the center nearly 2/3 of the total area of your keyboard.
Command keys - theses have different uses that depends on the software being used. It includes esckey, tab, capslock, shift, control, alt, !and8
Function keys provide an easy-way to give special commands to the computer labeled as F1 to F12.
Additional/Special keys placed at the top of the main keyboard and at the right of the function keys. These include Print Screen, Scroll Lock, and Pause/Break.
Text Editing keys used mostly in word processing programs, these are used to quickly move around a document and control how text is inserted into it.
Numeric keypad serves as your simple calculator. When in the numeric lock mode, numeric keypad provides a quick and convenient way of entering long list of numbers.
Cursor key used to move the cursor within the screen or monitor. The cursor indicates where text or graphics /symbols will be inserted or erased on your workplace.
ENTER this is the carriage return lever for computers
PRINT SCREEN when the printer is on and this key is pressed together with the shift key, what is on the screen will be printed.
ALTERNATE key when this key is pressed with any alphabet key, it gives the computer a task to do.
CTRL – just like the Alternative key, it is also an accompaniment of alphabetic characters to perform specific task.
ESC this key is used to cancel or abort any previous command or remove the dialog box.
Arrow right and left - Used to move the cursor to the next tab
NUM LOCK when pressed, the numeric keypad will be activated, numbers will be used. When pressed again, it will return to cursor movement control.
SCROLL LOCK together with CTRL key, it enables the user to return to the command level without saving any changes made.
INS – if the Num lock is off, this is used to insert or add characters in the middle of the line.
DELETE used to delete all characters written after the cursor key.
Arrow or Cursor up- used to move the cursor one line up
Arrow or Cursor down- used to move the cursor one line down
Arrow or Cursor right- moves the cursor one character position to the right
Arrow or Cursor left- moves the cursor one character position to the left