are organized through formal structures that integrate communities led by a council of elders or leaders or a chief (ex. Barangay)
a small kin based group of 10-50 people
a number of bands that were politically integrated and shared a language, religious beliefs; as political entities are fragile in nature as are only meant to respond to crisis such as threats of external invasion
an independent, go exercising control over a certain spatially defined and bounded area, whose borders are usually recognized by other states
Actors who play heroic roles are effective in persuading the masses
Agting (2013)
ABC classes
16% both offices
24% D class
31% E class
2019 - 30 TV Personalities joined elections
2 Basic forms of economies:
Marketeconomies - rely on money or currency to trade goods
Non-marketeconomies - rely on barter; government control
Reciprocity - direct exchange of goods
Redistribution - transfer of goods from a central authority that collects from members/external sources, to redistribute to members of society
Indirect exchange of goods facilitated by money or currency
Market transaction
PrimarySector - enganged in extraction of raw materials
SecondarySector - manufacturing or mass production