Birth - cry, sound response
1 1/2 to 3 months - coos and laughs
3 months - play with speech sounds
5 to 6 months - make consonant sounds, trying to match what is heard
6 to 10 months - babbling
9 months - gestures/geture games
9 to 10 months - understand words like "no" sound, imitates sounds
9 to 12 months - uses few social gestrure
10 to 14 months - first word
10 to 18 months - says single words
13 months - understands symbolic function of naming
14 months - uses symbolic gesturing
16 to 24 months - learns new words, expands vocabulary rapidly, goung from 50 - 100 words including verbs and adjectives
18 to 24 months - says 1st sentence, 2 words
20 months - few gestures, more names
20 to 22 months - has comprehension spurt
24 months - uses many 2-word phrases, no longer babbles, wants to talk
30 months - learns new words everyday, speaks in combination of 3 or more words, understands very well, makes some grammatical mistakes
36 months - 1,000 words, 80% intelligible, makes mistakes in syntax