Allows students to support each mother as well as evaluate one another
1. Students given problems
2. Identify learning issues
3. Establish and satisfy group and personal learning goals
Case Presentation
Students are trained to organize patient information and analyze the problems and differentials
Going away from the classroom and into the laboratory means instruction and practice through return demonstrations
1. Introduction to the skill isfirstgiven
2. After which the students are given the theoreticalbasis
Standardized patient
Indicate both simulatedpatients, who are normal individuals coached to carefully and consistently depict a given clinical presentation, and actualpatients
Before the actual patient encounter, students should be briefed on the specifics of the case being introduced
Clinical Practice Instruction
It is the actualclinicalexperience with the patient
Observation Assignments
Learners may be assigned to observe or other professional performing various aspects of health care that learnersusuallycannotperform
Involves a group of learners and their instructor visitingpatients to whom the learnersareassigned
Shift Report
It is a way for students to learn the uniqueness of nursingcommunication and is a means of professional socialization
Promotesactivelearning and reflectivepractice
It is a very effective in enhancingclinicallearning
Teacher-studentrelationship that takes the teacher's responsibility to an even higher level
Bedside teaching
Ideal setting to teach interviewing and physical examination, and to demonstrate and develop interpersonal
Direct or indirectpatientcontact
Bestopportunity for students to interview, examine, and formulate their own diagnosis and plan for the patient
Learning Contracts
Written (formal) or verbal (informal) agreement between the teacher and the learner that specifics teaching and learning activities that are to occur within a certain time frame
Mutuallynegotiated agreement, usually in the form of a written document
Allow students to learn from practitioners with a high skill level while being guided by faculty who have a wealthofknowledge
Facultystruggle with the multiplerole and growing roles they must fulfill in academia
Preceptorsdonot know the school'scurriculum
Teacherreview with the students the events that took place during the interaction
Students continue to learn by monitoring the progress of their patients
Infante (1985) - opportunity for observation is an essential element of clinical learning
Learner is compared to a reference group of learners
Criterion-Referenced Evaluation
Compares the learner with well definedcriteria rather than comparing him or her with other learners