For centuries, humankind has relied on natural medicines and physical methods to control surgical pain
Natural medicines used for anesthesia
opium poppy
Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum)
Meaning: Poppy of sleep – longest standing substance used as anesthesia
Joseph Priestley's discovery of nitrous oxide (N2O)
Humphry Davy experimented with the psychotropic properties of N2O
Surgery was performed under ether anesthesia
First public demonstration of surgical general anesthesia. Considered to be the start of a new era of anesthesia
Local anesthesia
Loss of sensation in a limited region of the body. A drug that causes reversible local anesthesia and a loss of nociception
Albert Niemann isolated cocaine (from coca plant)
Carl Koller discovered that Cocaine have local anesthetic properties and soon became widely used in many types of surgery
Mechanism of action of local anesthetics
Block initiation & propagation of action potential (AP) by preventing voltage-gated Na+channels. This cause a disruption of afferent neural traffic (sensory)- neurons that carry information from periphery to the brain
Methods of administration of local anesthesia
Surface anesthesia
Epidural anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia/ Intrathecal
Sympathetic block
Common routes in Dental surgery
Nerve block
Field block
Infiltration anesthesia
Chemistry of local anesthetics
Weak bases usually made available clinically as salts (commonly marketed as hydrochloride salts (pH 4.0– 6.0)) to increase solubility and stability. Consist of: 1) lipophilic group - aromatic ring 2) intermediate chain - ester or amide , membrane penetration 3) ionizable group – (amine group) responsible for Na channel blockade
Ideal characteristics of local anesthetics
Rapid/fast onset, Long Duration of Action, Reversible & selective blockade of sensory nerves without motor blockade, Minimal local tissue irritation & no systemic toxicities (cardiac & CNS)
Pharmacokinetics of local anesthetics
Absorption is higher in highly vascular areas. All local anesthetics cross the BBB & the placenta. Vasoconstrictors like epinephrine are used to slow absorption and prolong action. Amide LAs are metabolized in the liver, ester LAs are hydrolyzed rapidly in plasma
Ester local anesthetics
Amide local anesthetics
EMLA cream
Combination of lidocaine (2.5%) and prilocaine (2.5%) that permits anesthetic penetration of the keratinized layer of skin, producing localized numbness
Adverse effects/toxicity of local anesthetics
Direct neurotoxicity
Central Nervous System effects (early symptoms, convulsions)
Cardiovascular effects (depression of cardiac contraction, hypotension)
Hematologic effects (methemoglobinemia)
Transient Radicular Irritation
Toxicity resulting from pooling of high concentrations of the local anesthetic in the cauda equina (nerve located at the end of the spine), causing pain in the buttocks, posterior thigh, or legs
General anesthesia
Acts on the brain, medulla and spinal cord, causing reversible loss of consciousness and insensibility to painful stimuli. Characterized by 5 primary effects: unconsciousness, amnesia, skeletal muscle relaxation, inhibition of autonomic reflexes
General anesthesia can block both explicit and implicit memory
Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
The partial pressure of an inhalational anesthetic in the alveoli of the lungs at which 50% of a population of non-relaxed patients remained immobile at the time of a skin incision
Ablation of memory
By blocking nerve impulses in hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and regions of the sensory and motor cortices
General anesthesia
Can block both explicit and implicit memory at (0.2-0.4 MAC)
Explicit memory
Information that you have to consciously work to remember
Implicit memory
Information that you remember unconsciously and effortlessly
Skeletal muscle relaxation
Anesthetic immobility is mediated primarily by neural inhibition within the spinal cord
1.0 MAC as the partial pressure of an inhalational anesthetic in the alveoli of the lungs at which 50% of a population of non-relaxed patients remained immobile at the time of a skin incision
Inhibition of autonomic reflexes
Reduction of certain autonomic reflexes (gag reflex, tachycardia, vasoconstriction)
Gag reflex
Contraction of the throat that happens when something touches the roof of the mouth
Helps to prevent choking and keeps us from swallowing potentially harmful substances
General anesthesia can reduce this reflex to facilitate intubation & ventilation
Insensibility to painful stimuli
Loss of sensation of pain that results from an interruption in the nervous system pathway between sense organ and brain
Properties of ideal anesthetics
Rapid and pleasant anesthetic induction and recovery
Induce anesthesia smoothly and rapidly while allowing for prompt recovery after its administration is discontinued
Rapid changes in anesthetic depth
Adequate relaxation of skeletal muscles
Wide margin of safety
Absence of toxic effects or other adverse properties in normal doses
None of the currently available anesthesia when used alone can achieve all these desired effects
The modern practice of anesthesiology relies on the use of combinations of intravenous and inhaled drugs (balanced anesthesia techniques) to take advantage of the favorable properties of each agent while minimizing their adverse effects
Stages of anesthesia
Stage 1 (Cortical Stage)
Stage 2 (Delirium/Combative Stage)
Stage 3 (Surgical anesthesia)
Stage 4 (Medullary depression)
Stage 1 (Cortical Stage)
Starts from beginning of anesthetic inhalation and lasts up to the loss of consciousness
The patient initially experiences analgesia without amnesia. Later in stage I, both analgesia and amnesia are produced
Stage 2 (Delirium/Combative Stage)
During this stage, the patient often appears to be delirious and excited but definitely is amnesic
Respiration is irregular both in volume and rate
Retching and vomiting may occur
Heart rate and blood pressure increases due to sympathetic stimulation
Stage 3 (Surgical anesthesia)
This stage begins with the recurrence of regular respiration and extends to complete cessation of spontaneous respiration
Plane 1: Roving eye balls. This plane ends when eyes become fixed
Plane 2: Loss of corneal and laryngeal reflexes
Plane 3: Pupil starts dilating and light reflex is lost
The most reliable indication that stage III has been achieved is loss of the eyelash reflex and establishment of a regular respiratory pattern
Stage 4 (Medullary depression)
Severe depression of the vasomotor center in the medulla as well as the respiratory center
Without full circulatory and respiratory support, death rapidly ensues
Cessation of breathing to failure of circulation and death. Pupil is widely dilated, muscles are totally flabby pulse is thready or imperceptible and BP is very low