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  • Kinship - member of society - culturally defines relationships between individuals who are commonly thought of us having family ties.friends
    • coworker
    • etc.
  • Types of Kinship - Consanguineal, Affinal, Fictive/Compradazgo
  • Consanguineal - kin by blood - formed by blood and considered as the most common and general form of relations.
  • Bilateral - two or both - traced through both parents
  • Unilineal - traced through parents or ancestors of only one side
  • Patrilineal - follows the father's side only
  • Matrilineal - follows the mother's side only
  • Ambilineal - follows either the mother's or father's side depending on the situation
  • Affinal - kin by marriage
  • by number of spouse - monogamy and polygamy
  • Monogamy - having one spouse / partner
  • Polygamy - having more than one partner
    Polygyny - man having multiple female partners
    Polyandry - woman having multiple male partners
  • by social inclusion - Endogamy and Exogamy
    Endogamy - compulsory and by social class/group
    Exogamy - not compulsory and not based by social class/group
  • by residence - decision about where the couple lives
    • Matrilocal - couple lives with the wife's relatives.
    • Patrilocal -a woman remains in her mother's household while her husband leaves his family to move in with her.
    • Neolocal Residence - determined by a rule that each spouse leaves his/her family of origin and jointly forms a new household, which develops as nuclear family. This is the basic pattern in modern industrial societies.
  • by consent - Arranged and Referred
    • Arranged - not compulsory and by social class
  • Fictive / Compradazgo - kin by rituals, baptism / legal process
    Compradazgo - latin word god parenthood
  • Family -members of household who are related. to a specified degree, through blood, adoption or marriage
  • Nuclear Family - defined as a household consisting entirely of a single family nucleus.
    • a married couple without children; a married couple with one (1) or more unmarried children;
    • a father with one (1) or more unmarried children;
    • or a mother with one (1) or more unmarried children
  • Extended Family - is a type of family whose members go beyond the nuclear family made up of parents and their offspring
    • A single family nucleus and other persons related to the nucleus, for example
    • Two or more family nuclei related to each other without any other persons; for example, two (2) or more married couples with children only.
    • Two or more family nuclei related to each other plus other persons related to at least
    • Two or more persons related to each other, none of whom constitute a family nucleus.
  • Reconstituted/ Blended Families -
    -It is the sociological term for the joining of two (2) adults via marriage, cohabitation or civil partnership, who have had previous relationships and children from them.
    -is a type of family where parents have a child or children from previous marital relationships but all the members stay and congregate to form a new family unit. It is sometimes called step family, reconstituted family, or a complex family
    • Matrifocal Residence - It consists of a woman and her children, and sometimes her daughter's children, without coresident husbands or other adult men, results from economic conditions in which a man is unable to support a family.
    • Avunculocal Residence - two (2) residences changes are involved. Household formation begins with a virilocal rule, placing a married woman in her husband's household, where their children are raised. Upon reaching maturity, the men must relocate to their mother's brother's household, the actual avunculocal move. The result is an avunculocal extended family.
  • Ambilocal Residence - a married couple decides whether to join either the husband's or the wife's household of origin. The result is an ambilocal extended family.
    Natalocal Residence - It specifies that each partner remains with their own families of residence after marriage. If children remain in their mother's household, the result will be the formation of domestic matrilineages to which all male and female residents belong.