IPv4 addresses are four 8-bit (0-255) numbersseparated by dots -- (e.g
How are IPv6 addresses displayed?
Newer IPb6 addresses are 128-bitnumbersrepresented in hex.
What is Packet switching?
Files are broken into packets (512bytes) with a headercontaining the IPaddressesto and from, the no. of packets in total, what no. the packet is in the sequence, and errorcheckingdata.
What is the DNS?
The Domain Name System (DNS) is made up of domainnames (e.g Google.co.uk). A DNS server translates a webaddress into an IPaddress.
What is a NIC?
A Network Interface Card (NIC) is a computerhardware component that connects a computer to a computernetwork.
What is a MAC address?
A Media Access Control (MAC) address is assigned to each Network Interface Card (NIC) by the manufacturer.
How is a MAC address used?
As IPaddresseschange,routers use the MAC address (permanent,unique) of the nextrouter to senddatapackets.
What is a LAN?
LAN Stands for LocalAreaNetwork ; a LANoperates on a singlesite.
What is the difference between a LAN and a WAN?
LANs are local and located within onelocation such as a building ; WANsconnectnetworks at remotelocations via leasedlines.
Name 3 advantages of networks.
Computers can shareresources such as printers.
Files can be accessed through anycomputer in the network.
Data is easy to back up as it is storedcentrally on the server.
Name 3 disadvantages of networks.
Purchasing the networkhardware is expensive,
Managing a largenetwork is complicated,Viruses may be able to infiltrate the network and infecteverycomputer.
Describe a Star network topology.
The serverconnects to a switch or hub, which then connects to all the devices (PCs, printers) in the network.
Name 2 advantages of a Star network topology.
-**Fast data transfer to the hub** as eachwireisn’tshared with othercomputers.
-If onecablefails, the othercomputers are notaffected.
Name 2 disadvantages of a Star network topology.

•If the central switchfails the wholenetwork goes down.
•Requires **additional hardware** such as the central switch and networkcables.
Describe a Mesh network.
In a Full Mesh network, allcomputers are directlyinterconnected.
In a Partial Mesh network, allcomputers are stillinterconnected however notall of them are directlyconnected and may travel through anothercomputer.
Explain how Mesh networking works.
Nodes (computers) act as routers for data in order to relaydata in the network.
Name 3 advantages of a mesh network.
Nosinglepoint of failure.
Expansion and modification can be done withoutdisrupting the network.
Data can be transmitted from differentdevicessimultaneously.
Name 3 disadvantages of a mesh network.
Can involve redundantconnections.
Expensive to installcabling if using wiredconnections.
Networkadministration and maintenance is difficult.
Explain what a Router does.
Routespackets of datatowards their destination.
Explain what a Switch does.
**-Sendsdata to the appropriatenode (connectedcomputer.)**
Switches connecteachnode (computer) in a network via the MACaddress of allconnecteddevices. When datapacketsarrive, they send it to the correctcomputers as opposed to Hubs, which send the data to allcomputers.
What is Ethernet?
-Local networking protocols **which describes how devices should formattransmission-readydatabetweencomputers** on the **samenetwork.**
What is Transmission media?
-The route that communication is sentthrough the network (i.e what type of wire)
Name five types of transmission media.
Ethernet cable
Fibre optic cable
Wi-Fi / Wirelessly
Coaxial cable
Copper cable
What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a wirelessmethod of connectingdevices over a shortdistance via radiowaves.
What is a Wireless access point?
A Wireless Access Point is the deviceresponsible for allowing wireless devices to connect to a wirednetwork through Wi-Fi.
HomeWi-Firouters usually combine the functions of the switch,router, and wireless access point in onebox.
Name the main advantage and disadvantage of using the 2.4GHz frequency.

Advantage: Greaterrange and coverage
Disadvantage : Moreinterference as this frequency is morecrowded.
Name the main advantage and disadvantage of using the 5GHz frequency.

Advantage: Less crowded space, higherdatatransmission rates.
Disadvantage: Lessable to penetratethroughwalls.
Define Encryption.
Encryption is the encoding of data so that it cannolonger be easilyunderstood.
What is Symmetric encryption?
A singlekey is used to encrypt and decrypt a message and must be given to the recipient of your message to decrypt the data.
What is Asymmetric encryption?
Two keys are used - one (publickey) to encrypt and the other (privatekey) to decryptdata.
This is moresecure as it means you never have to send or reveal the decryptionkey.
Name the two most common wireless security standards.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy - Old)
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access - New)
Explain the client-server model.
The clientsends a query to the web server, which then sends the searchrequest to the database. The database then forwards the response through the webserver back to the client.
Name 3 advantages of the client-server model.

Only onefileserverneeds to be backedup and files can be accessed from anycomputer.
Emailservers provide a centralplace for email that is then accessed from differentdevices.
Oneprintserver can manageallfiles to be printed, allowing one printer to be shared by many computers.
Name the features of a peer-to-peer network.

Suitable for smallcompanies with fewcomputers.
Nocentralservercontrolsfiles or security.
Allcomputers can easilyseefiles on allother computers.
Allcomputerscancommunicate with eachotherwithoutgoingthrough a server.