Rupture of the chorion and amnion on hour or more before the onset of labor
Leading causes of death associated with PROM
•Gushing of amniotic fluid from vagina in the absence of contraction
•Maternal fever, fetal tachycardia, malodorous discharge may indicate infection
What is the Dx in PROM?
• FERNING is evident
• Nitrazine test tape turns blue-green color
What is your nursing mngt for PROM?
• maintain the pt bed rest if the fetal head is not engage to prevent CORD PROLAPSE
It is the case where the uterus turns completely or partially inside out
Uterine Inversion
When does the uterine inversion occur?
It occurs immediately following the delivery of the placenta
What is the cause of forced inversion??
Caused by excessive pulling of the cord
What is the cause of Spontaneous Inversion
It is due to increased abdominal pressure from bearing down, coughing, or sudden abdominal muscle contraction.
It is where the top of the uterus has collapsed but the uterus hasn't come through the cervix?
Incomplete Inversion
The uterus is inside out and coming out through the cervix?
Complete Inversion
The fundus of the uterus is coming out of the vagina?
Prolapsed Inversion
What are the s/s of UTERINE INVERSION?
• Excruciating pelvic pain with a sensation of extreme fullness extending into vagina
•Vaginal Bleeding & signs of hypovolemia
•Extrusion of the inner uterine lining into the vagina
What are your nursing responsibility in UTERINE INVERSION?
• Immediate manual replacement of the uterus at the time of inversion will prevent CERVICAL INTRAPMENT of the uterus. This prevent rapid band extreme blood loss that may cause hypovolemic shock
Labor that begins after 20 weeks of gestation and before 37 weeks of gestation?
What are the causes of PRETERM LABOR?
• Pre-eclampsia
• Hydramnios
• Placenta Previa
• Incompetent cervix
• Fetal Death
What are the clinical manifestations of PRETERM LABOR?
• Bloody show
• Lower back pain
• Suprapubic pressure
• Vaginal pressure
• Expulsion of cervical mucus plug
What are the actions will you perform to stop PRETERM LABOR?
• Bed rest in side lying position
• Administer TOCOLYTIC DRUG as ordered
What are the TOCOLYTIC DRUG that you will administer during PRETERM LABOR?
• Ritodrine Sulfate (Yutopar)
• Terbutaline Sulfate (Brithine)
It is difficult, painful, and prolonged labor due to mechanical factors?
Dysfunctional labor
What are the causes of dysfunctional labor?
• Fetal factor
• Uterine factor
• Pelvic factor
• Psyche factor
Include unusual large fetus, malpresentation, fetal anomaly, and malposition,
Fetal Factor (Passenger)
Include hypotonic labor, hypertonic labor, precipitous labor, and prolonged labor
Uterine Factor (Power)
Include inlet contracture, midpelvis contracture , and outlet contracture
Pelvic Factor (Passage)
Include maternal anxiety and fear and lack of preparation?
Psyche Factor
Midpelvis Contracture - The baby's head cannot pass through the pelvis easily because there is an obstruction at the level of the sacrum.
What are your nursing mngt for Dysfunctional labor?
• monitor uterine contractions
• assess FHR, activity, and color of amniotic fluid
•provide physical and emotional support
The anterior should of the baby is unable to pass under maternal pubic arch?
• shoulder dystocia
This happen when external rotation doesn't occur
Shoulder dystocia
It's a case where the fetal head retracts against the mother's perineum
Turtle sign
What are the causes of shoulder dystocia?
• DM
• Obesity
• Macrosomia
• Multiparity
Nursing mngt for SHOULDER DYSTOCIA?
• place the pt into MC Robert's position
•apply suprapubic pressure
It is a position where the thighs pulled up against the abdomen with hips abducted?
MC Robert's position
Tearing of the uterus, either complete or incomplete?
Uterine Rupture
It is where the tear goes through all 3 layers of the uterine wall
Complete uterine rupture
The tear doesn't go through all 3 layers of the uterine wall
Incomplete uterine rupture
Causes of uterine rupture
• injury from obstetric instrument
• excessive fundal pressure
• violent bearing down
• after previous uterine surgery
Most likely to occur after previous uterine surgery, and multiparity given with oxytocic agent?
Spontaneous uterine rupture
Placental chorionic villi adhere to the superficial layer of the uterine myometrium?
Placenta Accreta
Placental chorionic villi invade deeply into the uterine myometrium?