bohr's effect

Cards (10)

  • Bohr effect
    The effect of carbon dioxide on the oxygen affinity of haemoglobin
  • Oxygen transport by haemoglobin
    1. Haemoglobin has 4 polypeptide chains
    2. Each chain contains a haem group
    3. Each haem group can bind 1 oxygen molecule
    4. 1 haemoglobin molecule can bind up to 4 oxygen molecules
  • Oxygen dissociation curve
    Graph showing percentage saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen against partial pressure of oxygen
  • Partial pressure of oxygen is high in alveoli
    Haemoglobin has high affinity for oxygen
  • Partial pressure of oxygen decreases in tissues

    Haemoglobin unloads oxygen
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide increases in tissues

    Haemoglobin affinity for oxygen decreases (Bohr effect)
  • Bohr effect
    Carbon dioxide causes the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin to decrease
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide is low in lungs

    Haemoglobin has high affinity for oxygen
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide is high in active tissues

    Hemoglobin has lower affinity for oxygen, so more oxygen is unloaded
  • Carbon dioxide transport in blood
    1. Carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid
    2. Carbonic acid releases hydrogen ions
    3. Hydrogen ions combine with hemoglobin
    4. This changes hemoglobin's quaternary structure
    5. Reducing hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen