Cards (25)

  • "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted"

    Matthew 5:4
  • Those who mourn
    • Humility in recognizing Sinfulness
    • Genuine repentance and conversion
    • Reaching out to others in social justice
  • The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
    1. Pharisee
    2. Tax Collector
  • Pharisee
    Self-righteous man who did not show a need of repentance
  • Tax Collector
    Sinner who found himself so little before God because of sinfulness, humbled himself before God and asked for His mercy, desiring to improve his spiritual life
  • 2 kinds of sin
    • Sin of commission
    • Sin of omission
  • Sin of commission
    Sins the person is not supposed to do, but does anyway
  • Sin of omission
    Moral obligations that the person is supposed to do but did not do
  • The tax collector mourned
    1. Mourned being brokenhearted, losing God, and being away from God because of his sins
    2. Experienced the comfort of God's forgiveness
  • "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted" (Luke 18: 14)
  • Nathan accused King David of adultery and murder

    1. King David humbly admitted his sinfulness before Nathan and God
    2. King David did penitence to show heartfelt repentance by wearing a sackcloth instead of his royal robes
    3. King David fasted and turned away from his evil ways
    4. King David's contrite repentance is expressed in the prayer found in Psalm 51:3-6
  • Sin is an offense against God. It is refusal to follow Him in love. It is rejecting God and one's true self.
  • One can experience the comfort of pardon for iniquities committed with a humble and contrite heart just like King David.
  • All need Jesus' mercy and repentance because all are sinners.
  • Conversion is a lifelong process that a person must do every day under the grace of God.
  • Have mercy on me, -, in accord with your --
    God, Merciful Love
  • in Your - - blot out my -

    Abundant compassion, transgressions
  • Thoroughly wash away my -
  • and from my - - me
    sin cleanse
  • For I know my -
  • my - is always - me

    sin, before
  • --, You alone have I sinned
    against you
  • I have done what is - in your -

    evil, eyes
  • So that You are in Your -
  • and without - in Your -
    reproach, judgment