The Last Supper reminds us of Jesus' greatest sacrifice.
In the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus in the form of bread and wine serves as our spiritual food.
Eucharist - the source and summit of our Christian life
Mysterium Fidei - Encyclical of St. Paul VI on the Holy Eucharist
transubstantiation - the official Catholic teaching, given in the Council of Trent
Private, personal prayer (devotions and other types of prayer) and Public, communal liturgical prayer are the Levels of Christian Prayer
ACTS - is an acronym that stands for Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication
CCC - Catechism of the Catholic Church
faith - a gift of God and a human act by which the believer gives personal adherence to God who invites response and freely assents to the whole truth that God has revealed
Prayer - it is a communication with God, a loving relationship with God
Paschal Triduum also known as Easter Triduum
Paschal Triduum - the summit of the liturgical year
Paschal Triduum - starts from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday