Cards (68)

  • Homonyms
    same spelling but have different meanings
  • Synonyms
    words that have the same meaning
  • Antonyms
    words that have opposite meanings
  • E.g.
    "for example"
  • I.e.
    that is, in other words
  • Empathy
    ability to understand ones struglle
  • Sympathy
    feeling bad for someone but with no actions
  • Noun
    A person, place, thing, or idea
  • Proper Noun
    a SPECIFIC person, place, thing, or idea
  • Common Noun
    A general name for a person, place, or thing
  • Pronoun
    A word that takes the place of a noun (I, You, He, She)
  • Verb
    An action word
  • Adjective
    A word that describes a noun (color, size, texture, shape)
  • Adverb
    describes a verb (ends in -ly and answers the question "How")
  • Conjunction
    used to connect sentence (if, but or and)
  • Conjunction
    a word that connects two or more words or sentences
  • Preposition
    used to state location
  • Interjection
    used to express emotion
  • Punctuation
    the use of marks such as commas and periods in writing
  • Modifiers
    Words that describe a noun that can include adjectives, verbs and nouns themselves
  • Simple Sentence
    A sentence consisting of one independent clause
  • Compound Sentence
    a sentence with two or more coordinate independent clauses, often joined by one or more conjunctions
  • Complex Sentence
    dependent clause followed by an independent clause that requires comma.
  • Alliteration
    repetition of the beginning sounds of words
  • Assonance
    Repetition of vowel sounds
  • Hyperbole
  • Irony
    opposite of what is expected
  • Metaphor
    comparison between two unlike things
  • Onomatopoeia
    A word that imitates the sound it represents.
  • Oxymoron
    two contradictory terms used together
  • Personification
    A figure of speech which gives human qualities to non-living things or ideas.
  • Simile
    A comparison using "like" or "as"
  • Synecdoche
    a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa
  • Understatement
    the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is.
  • Analogy
    A comparison of two different things that are similar in some way
  • Phrase
    a group of words (on the bed, under the table)
  • Clause
    consists of a subject and a verb
  • Voice
    indicates whether the subject of the verb performs or receive the action.
  • Active Voice

    DOER of the action
  • Passive Voice
    RECEIVER of the action