“Melting a glance does she look toward me” - Alcman, Parthenaia
“Rise up, warriors, take you stand at one another's sides” - Tyrtaeus, Arete
ARCHAEOLOGY: Shrine dedicated to the dioscuri within the city, who were patrons of athletics.
“Daughters of Dionysus” “Daughters of Leukippos” - Pausanius
ARCHAEOLOGY: Lakonian cup depicting a hunting scene.
ARCHAEOLOGY: Lakonian cup depicting a figure riding a horse.
ARCHAEOLOGY Small horse figurines at the shrine of Poseidon, noted by Pausanius as a ‘horse-breeder’.
ARCHAEOLOGY: Stele from late 5th Century lists 43 chariot races, 21 victories by a man named Damonon.
ARCHAEOLOGY: The 'Reclining Banqueter' bronze figurine, depicting eating habits.
"staged capture...she first shaved her head...dressed in a man's cloak and sandals" - Plutarch, Life of Lycurgus
"Plutarch would have created a new and purely fictional vision of the Spartan wedding" - FJ Meister (2020)
"One might select some woman...and sanction the consent of her husband first obtained, raise up children for himself through her". - Xenophon, Constitution of the Spartans