Lipid digestion and absorption
1. Lipids undergo intestinal digestion
2. Lipids packaged into Chylomicrons
3. Chylomicrons enter the circulation & interact with proteoglycans on capillaries
4. Proteoglycans promote binding of lipoprotein lipase that hydrolyzes TGL on chylomicrons
5. Chylomicrons carry TGL to tissues
6. Free fatty acids & glycerol from hydrolysis of TGL are taken by cells and used as source of energy
7. Excess fatty acids reesterified into TGL by fat cells for long term storage
8. During lipolysis there is transfer of lipid and apolipoproteins onto HDL, chylomicrons are converted into chylomicron remnant particles
9. Chylomicron remnants rapidly taken up by liver
10. Remnants broken down by enzymes to release FFA's, cholesterol and AA's
11. Some cholesterol converted to bile acids
12. Some cholesterol excreted (half reabsorbed in the intestines, remainder appears in stool)