Who is the author of The day the dancers came? Bienvenido N. Santos
a skin disease tiniaflava
filipino game tatching
muchacho meaning young man
kundiman traditional filipino song
fall season mention in the first paragraph of the poem
Corporal rank of filemon acayan in the u.s army
U.S Army job of filemon acayan before
He was a corporal in the u.s army training at San Luis Obispo
He was discharged in 1945
Name of the hospital is Cook Country
Name of the hotel is Hamilton
Name of the apartment is West Sheridan Road
pork adobo and chickenrelleno is the dish that fil cooked
he saw them getting into a bus parked beside the subway entrance on Dearborn.
The snow had stopped falling; it was melting fast in the sun and turning into slush.
Narration, in its basest definition, is storytelling.
Description is appealing to the five senses of the human body
The three most commonly used points of view are the first, second, and third points of view.
Firstperson point of view refers to when the narrator uses “I” or “we.”
Secondperson point of view refers to when the narrator addresses the reader as “you,” which can be either singular or plural.
Thirdperson point of view refers to when the narrator say "he or she"
A well-definedpoint or significance in any narrative is something akin to the literary element we call theme.
The use of narrative devices is a technique writers utilize to add flavour and enrich the meaning of their stories.
Narrative device with these devices, an author can shorten, lengthen, and/or focus on a particular event in the story.
Anecdotes are brief narratives that are written from the writer's memory.
A flashback is an event that happened in the past.
Consistent Verb Tense is needed to make clear to the reader whether the story in the narrative had already happened, has been happening for some time now, happens on a regular basis, is currently happening and will do so indefinitely, or will happen sometime in the future.
A time stretch is a single event in the story that the author focuses writing about.
TimeSummary as opposed to a time stretch in which a single event is prolonged, a time summary is characterized by jamming together multiple events and/or shortening a relatively long period of time.
flashforward is an event that has yet to happen in the story.
Who is the author of Appassionato?
Barbara C. Gonzalez
Passion comes from the Latin word for "suffering"
appassionato can be used to describe music, art, literature, dance, theater, sports, etc.
Love and passion are inseparable.
Appassionato is the past participle of a Latin word that means "to impassion."
Dialogue a narrative does not only have a narrator who tells a story in accordance to how he/she observes a sequence of events.
etymology from the Latin word passus, past participle of "pati" meaning to suffer
Passion is visceral. It stands outside traditional thinking. It ignores conventions like distance, time, social acceptance. It dares into uncharted waters. It used to be
primarily associated with romantic love.
vacillating meaning alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive.