RA 5921- The Pharmacy Law
RA 10918- Philippine Pharmacy Act
RA 3720- Food, Drug, Devices and Cosmetis Act
RA 8203- Special Law of Counterfiet Drugs
RA 9994- Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
RA 9211- Tobacco Regulation Act
RA 9711- Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009
RA 9165- Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
RA 6425- Dangerous Drugs Act
RA 7277- Magna Carta for Disabled Person
RA 4226- Hospital Licensure Act
RA 10354- Reproductive Health Act of 2012
RA 11036- Philippine Mental Health Act of 2018
RA 10643- The Graphic Health Warning Law
RA 8976- Food Fortification Law
RA 8172- ASIN Law
RA 6675- Generics Act of 1988
RA 8423- Traditional Alternative Medicine Act
RA 9502- Cheaper and Quality Medicine Act of 2008
RA 7394- Consumer Act