WEEK 8 - interview

Cards (76)

  • Interviewing
    An interactional communication process between two parties, at least one of whom has a predetermined and serious purpose, that involves the asking and answering of questions
  • Essential Characteristics Of Interviews
    • Two Parties
    • Purpose and Structure
    • Interactional
    • Questions
  • Traditional Forms of Interviewing
    • Information Giving Interviews
    • Information Gathering Interviews
    • Selection Interviews
    • Performance Review
    • Counseling
    • Persuasion
  • Non-Traditional Forms of Interviewing
    • The Telephone Interview
    • Online Interviews or E-Interviews
    • The Videoconference Interview
    • E-Mail
    • Webinars
    • The Virtual Interview
  • Online Interviews and Multimethod Research
  • Collecting Qualitative Data Online
  • Interviewing is an interactional communication between two parties, at least one of whom has a predetermined and serious purpose, that involves the asking and answering of questions
  • There is a big difference between skilled and unskilled interviewers and interviewees, and the skilled ones know that practice makes perfect only if you know what you are practicing
  • The first essential step in developing and improving interviewing skills is to understand the deceptively complex interviewing process and its many interacting variables
  • Two Parties in the Interview
    • Each party consists of unique and complex individuals
    • Both must act together if the interview is to be successful
    • The parties are connected interpersonally because each has a stake in the outcome of the interview
    • Each interview contributes to a relational history
  • Relational Dimensions
    • Similarity
    • Inclusion
    • Affection
    • Control
    • Trust
  • Both parties speak and listen from time to time, are likely to ask and answer questions, and take on the roles of interviewer and interviewee
  • Two fundamental approaches to interviewing
    • Directive: the interviewer establishes the purpose of the interview and attempts to control the pace and direction
    • Nondirective: the interviewer allows the interviewee to take the lead in determining the purpose, pace, and direction of the interview
  • Dimensions of relationships critical to interviews
    • Similarity
    • Inclusion
    • Affection
    • Control
    • Trust
  • Similarity
    Shared cultural norms and values, education, experiences, personality traits, beliefs, and expectations
  • Inclusion
    Shared motivation to take part actively as speakers and listeners, questioners, and respondents
  • Affection
    Shared like and respect for one another and a marked degree of warmth and friendship
  • Control
    Shared participation in a continuous process, and shared responsibility for success or failure
  • Trust
    Shared trust that the other party is honest, sincere, reliable, truthful, fair, even-tempered, and of high ethical standards
  • Approaches to interviewing
    • Directive
    • Nondirective
  • Directive approach

    The interviewer establishes the purpose of the interview and attempts to control the pacing, climate, and formality of the interview
  • Nondirective approach
    The interviewee has significant control over subject matter, length of answers, interview climate, and formality
  • Combination of approaches
    • Be flexible and adaptable when selecting approaches
    • The roles we play should guide but not dictate approaches
    • Adherence to societal roles and expectations may produce an ineffective interview
  • Perceptions that drive interactions
    • Perceptions of self
    • Perceptions of the other party
    • How the other party perceives us
    • How the other party perceives self
  • Perceptions of self
    • What we perceive ourselves to be may be more important than what we are
    • We see ourselves differently under different circumstances
    • Self-esteem is closely related to self-worth
  • Perceptions of the other party
    • How you perceive the other affects how you approach an interview and how you react during the interview
    • Perceptions are a two-way process
    • Allow interactions to alter or reinforce perceptions
  • Levels of interactions
    • Level 1: Avoid judgments, attitudes, and feelings; are safe and nonthreatening
    • Level 2: Require trust and risk-taking; more revealing of ideas, feelings, and information
    • Level 3: Involve full disclosure of feelings, beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions; deal with intimate and controversial areas of inquiry
  • Gender, culture, and interactions
    • Women disclose more freely than men
    • Culture may dictate what we disclose and to whom
    • Positive and negative face are universal motives
  • Verbal interactions
    • Words are arbitrary connections of letters that serve as symbols for people, things, events, ideas, beliefs, and feelings
    • The use and misuse of words can cause problems in an interview
    • The arbitrary nature of language, not the misuse of it, causes most problems
  • Nonverbal signals
    • Eye contact
    • Facial expressions
    • Winks
    • Touches
    • Glances
  • Nonverbal interactions
    • A single behavioral act may convey a message
    • A combination of nonverbal acts may enhance the impact of the message
    • Body movements, gestures, and posture show dynamism or lack of it
    • Any behavioral act may be interpreted in a meaningful way by the other party
    • Your message may be intentional or unintentional, accurate or inaccurate, but it will be interpreted
  • Verbal and nonverbal intertwined
    • The nonverbal often compliments the verbal
    • The nonverbal may reinforce words
    • The nonverbal may act as a substitute for words
  • Feedback
    • Feedback is immediate and pervasive in interviews
    • You can detect critical feedback and assess how an interview is progressing by observing and listening to what is and is not taking place or being said
    • Do not read too much into small nonverbal actions and changes
    • Good listening skills are essential
  • Types of listening
    • Listening for comprehension
    • Listening for empathy
    • Listening for evaluation
    • Listening for resolution
  • Listening for comprehension
    The intent is to understand content
  • Listening for empathy
    The intent is to understand the other party
  • Listening for evaluation

    The intent is to judge content and actions
  • Listening for resolution
    The intent is to resolve problems
  • Variables that impact interviews
    • Time of day, week, and year
    • Place
    • Surroundings
  • Initiating the interview
    • Either party may initiate an interview
    • The situation may determine who initiates an interview and with whom
    • Enhance the climate by initiating it directly and informing the interviewee about the purpose, nature, and use of the information to be exchanged