An enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars
Anaerobic respiration
Glucose -> Lactic Acid
Cellular respiration
A continuously occurring chemical process which occurs in all living cells. It is exothermic and releases energy in the form of ATP from the breakdown of organic compounds such as glucose
Limiting factor
A factor that when in short or inadequate supply limits the rate of a reaction
Anenzyme that breaks down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
A large molecule that is synthesised from three fatty acids and a glycerol molecule
Palisade mesophyll
A specialised plant tissue that carries out photosynthesis
Carbon Dioxide + Water -> Glucose + Oxygen
A microscope that uses reflected electrons to produce an image of a specimen. It creates a 3D image with a lower resolution
A microscope that uses transmitted electrons to produce an image of a specimen. It creates a 2D image with a higher resolution so details of organelles can be seen
Active transport
The movement of particles from an area of lowconcentration to an area of highconcentration,against the concentrationgradient
This requires energy
Small airsacs in the lungs that serve as the gaseousexchangesurface. They provide a large surface area for efficientexchange
The main artery that takes oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body
A bloodvessel that carries blood away from the heart under high pressure
The upperchamber of the heart that receives the blood from the veins
The third stage of the cell cycle in which twoidenticaldiploid daughter cells are formed
The netmovement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration
Embryonic stem cell
A type of stemcell found in very early embryos that can differentiate into any cell type
The net movement of waterout of the cell via osmosis
The net movement of water into the cell via osmosis
The first stage of the cellcycle where the cell grows, new proteins are synthesised and chromosomes are replicated
A material that lines the xylemvessels and provides strength and support
Meristematic cell
A type of cell that can differentiate into any plantcell type
Meristem tissue
A plant tissue that contains many undifferentiatedcells
The net movement of watermolecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration through a partiallypermeable membrane
A plant tissue that transports sugar from the source to the sink
Pulmonary artery
The main artery that carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to the lungs
Pulmonary vein
The main vein that carries oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lungs
Root hair cells
Specialisedcells that provide a largesurfacearea for the uptake of water and minerals from the soil
Small pores in the epidermis of the leaves that facilitate gaseous exchange
The process of transporting sucrose around the plant
The loss of water from the surface of the leaves by evaporation from the open stomata
When the vacuole of a plant cells becomes swollen and enlarged with water
Structures found at each end of both ventricles that prevent the backflow of blood
A blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart at low pressure
Vena cava
The main vein that carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the body
The lower chambers of the heart that receive blood from the atria and pump it to the arteries
Small projections from the small intestine that increase the surface area for food absorption
A specialised plant tissue that transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves of the plant