
Cards (5)

  • "I met a traveller from an antique land"

    > forms the poem as a story to make it clear that the narrator hasnt seen the statue
    > emphasises how unimportant ozymandias is
    > setting suggests absence of life
    > ozymandias has been left to decay rather than making the big impact of history that he wished to create
  • "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert."

    > "trunkless" informs the reader of the lack of body therefore lack of heart (displays him as a tyrannical leader) - may signify a lack of connection between his body and brain
    > "stand in the desert." Caesura : fragmented style could show him detaching himself from his body, allowing him to view himself as godlike
  • '"king of kings: look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains' (dramatic irony) 

    > reader knows that he is just a broken statue
    > he think she has made an impact on history
    > juxtaposition : arrogant words contrast with reality now
    > caesura : shows his power and status is reduced once he dies (ironic), adds emphasis to what lines are before and after > broken up line reflects broken statue and broken reputation
  • "of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away"

    > "of that..." - ruined statue suggests how human achievements are insignificant compared to the passing of time and nature
    > "boundless...level" - alliteration emphasises the feeling of empty space, the love and power the king once had has now disappeared
    > nature will spread out before us and outlive us
  • "stamped" "survive" "lifeless"

    > having them all in the same line hints at how art can outline human power but the ruined statue shows that you cannot immortalise power