Convergent thinking (intelligence) uses skills alreadyacquired to solve a problem and divergent thinking (creativity) findsmultipleways to solve a problem
Intelligence is the mental capacity to learn from experiences, adapt to new situations, and understand and handleabstract concepts
Group IQ tests are cheaper, mostly used, can be given by anyone and have limited information
Individual IQ tests are more reliable, needs a lot of training to give test, provides greater insight
The history of IQ testing is that in France in 1904 they used it to separatespecialed in schools
To find an IQ score its your mental age/cardinal age x 100
IQ actually measures your learning potential, what you are going/not going to learn in the future
DevelopmentalPsychology is the study of certain stages of life
Lifespan Psychology is the study of womb to tomb
Genetic messages are carried by the Y chromosome
* 3 stages of prenatal development are zygote, embryo, fetus
The most important stage is the embryo
Rooting - lips follows whatever is stimulating them
moro reflex - when the stomach is touched and the arms and legs fan out
Grasping (palmer reflex) - when babies grab things and won't let go
Swimming - when babies are born they can swim (doggie paddle)
Depth Perception - The ability to judge the distance of objects
Balinski Reflex - when you run a feather across the feet and the toes curl
4 stages of Piaget's cognitive development are sensory motor, pre operational, concrete stage, and formal operations
Sensory motor - knowing something is still there even if you can't see it
Pre-operational - the inability to different between self and others
Concrete Stage - kids can only learn by what they can see/be apart of
Formal Operations - you can handle logic, propositions, and what ifs
Attachment is formed by tender love and care (TLC)
Adolescence begins with puberty
*The changes that takes place during puberty is growth spurt and becoming fertile
The major goal of adolescence is to find self identity
*imaginary audience is when you feel like everyone is watching you
A myth about old age is that there is a decline in intelligence
Personality is a makeup of everything in your life, emotions, motivations, biological
Freudian 5 stages are oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
Rorschach is an ink blot test
TAT shows you pictures and you have to tell a story of whats going on
MMPI is 567 true or false questions
Eysenck and Cattell came up with the 16 PF (personality factors) to determine personality
ID is the pleasure principle, you want it and you want it now
Ego is the mediator of the ID and Super Ego
Super Ego is the reality principle and the voice of reason
The 3 levels of consciousness are the unconsciousness, consciousness, and subconciousness
Humanists view personality as that you can't break personality down, you have some control over it, and your personality needs other people