Cards (12)

  • Digestive organs
    • Mouth
    • Pharynx
    • Esophagus
    • Stomach
    • Small intestine
    • Large intestine
    • Rectum
  • Accessory digestive organs
    • Salivary glands
    • Liver
    • Gall bladder
    • Pancreas
  • Alimentary canal
    Organs where food passes through
  • Accessory organs
    Assist in the digestion of food
  • Digestion in the mouth
    1. Mechanical digestion
    2. Bolus pushed into pharynx
    3. Food delivered to esophagus
  • Digestion in the stomach
    Initial protein digestion
  • Digestion in the small intestine
    1. Nutrient absorption
    2. Final digestion
  • Digestion in the large intestine
    Absorb water from remaining undigested material
  • Absorption
    Process of absorbing food in the form of nutrients into the blood stream
  • Chewing food
    • Easier digestion
    • Breaks down larger particles into smaller
    • Increases saliva production
  • Pancreas
    Produces enzymes that digest carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
  • Liver
    • Produces bile that helps digest fats
    • Excess bile stored in gall bladder
    • Bile facilitates breakdown of fat globules