Ensuring that naturalresources are used but protected so that allpeople,animalsandplantlifecanlivewellnowand in thefuture
The actofkilling or permitting the death of apersonwho is suffering from a seriousillness
The processbywhichdifferentcreaturesarebelieved to havedeveloped from earlierlesscomplexformsduring the history of the earth
The ending of a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child
Quality of life
The extent to whichlife is meaningfulandpleasurable
Sanctity of life
The beliefthatlife is precious, or sacred, for manyreligiousbelievers, only humanlifeholdsthisspecialstatus
The soul
The spiritual aspect of a being, whichsomereligionsbelieveconnects a person to God; alsooften being seen as non-physicaland as livingafterphysicaldeath in an afterlife
Thatwhich is consideredmorally right, beneficialand to ouradvantage
Thatwhich is consideredextremelyimmoral, wicked and wrong
Tograntpardonfor a wrongdoing; to giveupresentmentand the desire to seekrevengeagainst a wrongdoer
Free will
Theability to makechoicesvoluntarily and independently. The beliefthatnothing is predetermined
Principlesandstandardsdeterminingwhichactionsareright or wrong
A penaltygiven to someonefor a crime or wrongtheyhavedone
Deliberateimmoralaction,breaking a religiousormorallaw
Pain or distresscausedbyinjury, illnessorloss.Sufferingcan be physical,emotionalandpsychologicalorspiritual
Thepractice of suppressingandlimitingaccess to materialsconsidered to beobscene, offensive or athreat to security.Peoplemayalso be restricted in theirspeechbycensorshiplaws
Acts of treatinggroupsofpeople, or individualsdifferently,basedonprejudice
Believingin and supportingideasthatareveryfarfromwhatmostpeopleconsidercorrectorreasonable
Human rights
The basicentitlements of all human beings,affordedtothemsimplybecausetheyarehuman. An exampleofhumanrights as stated in theDeclarationofHumanRights is that all peopleshouldreceive an education
Personal conviction
Somethingapersonstronglyfeelsorbelieves in
Pre-judging, judgingpeople to beinferior or superiorwithoutevidence
Relative poverty
A standard of povertymeasured in relation to thestandards of asociety in which a personlives,forexample,living on lessthan a certainpercentage of averageUKincome
Absolute poverty
Anacutestateofdeprivation, whereby a personcannotaccessthemostbasic of humanneeds
Social justice
Promoting a fair societybychallenginginjusticeandvaluingdiversity.Ensuringthateveryone has equalaccess to provisions, equalopportunitiesandrights