EMR notes

Cards (52)

  • radios detect radio waves
  • cellphones use what used to be television signals
  • cordless home phones use low energy microwaves
  • in the electromagnetic spectrum, as you move from one end to the other, you'll notice the frequency increase while the wavelenght decreases
  • wavelenght and frequency are inversely proportional
  • energy and frequency are directly proportional
  • radio waves
    • frequency range - 60HZ - 1THz
    • wavelenght range - 1,000,000 m - 0.0001 m
    • source - low frequency vibrations of in electrical circuits
  • since radio waves cannot penetrate metal, we need external antennae to detect them
  • radio waves CAN penetrate human flesh, but does not affect it
  • MRI machines use radio waves with ^ = 4m (^ = wavelenght)
  • microwaves
    • frequency range - 1GHz - 1THz
    • wavelenght range - 1m - 0.01m
    • source - high frequency vibrations of electrons in specialized electrical circuits
    • effect on living tissue - can be dangerous
  • At around 2500MHz, a microwave will make a water molecule spin
    • this is how the microwave oven works - it speeds up the water molecules
    • faster moving particles = higher temperature
    • these specific microwaves are dangerous to living tissues that contain water
  • microwaves outside of that frequency don't have any effect on water, but can penetrate rain, mist, fog
    • due to their higher energy and greater penetrability, microwaves are used for communication
  • infrared radiation
    • frequency range - 1 THz - 1 PHz
    • wavelenght range 0.0001 m - 0.000001 m
    • source - vibrations of particles in warm objects
    • effect on living tissue - can be dangerous to over-exposure
  • as (IR) gets warmer (more energy), its frequency increases, and eventually can see it as the color red
  • visible light
    • frequency range - 1 PHz
    • wavelenght range - 700 nm - 400 nm
    • source - hot objects (filaments, candles, stars)
    • effects on living tissue - can excite electrons into higher energy levels
  • visible light is not strong enough to remove electrons from atoms a.k.a (ionize)
  • visible light can move electrons into higher energy levels. when those electrons relax back to their ground state, they release that energy
  • unless you are looking directly at a light source, you are actually only seeing the light that is reflected off the surface of an object
  • a photon is a massless particle of light
  • below visible light, EMR acts mostly like a wave. Above, it is more of a particle
  • visible light behaves like a mixture of waves and particles
  • ultraviolet rays (UV)
    • frequency range - 10(15) to 10 (18) Hz
    • wavelenght range - 10 (-6) to 10 (-9) m
    • source - very hot objects (stars, welding arcs)
    • effect on living tissue - can damage DNA and cause cancer
  • ultraviolet means above violet. Therefore these are photons of light with slightly more energy than violet light
  • UV light spans a broad range of energies and can be further divided into sub-ranges
    • UVA photons have the lowest amount of energy
    • UVB and UVC can cause cancer
  • UVC is absorbed by the ozone layer
  • UVA and UVB are absorbed by plants to drive photosynthesis as plant tissue cant be harmed by these rays only human skin cells can
  • UVC photons have a lot of energy that they can ionize molecules
    • that means they can remove electrons to create ions. This usually leads to unwanted chemical reactions which create unwanted tissues aka cancer
  • not all radiation penetrates the Earth's atmosphere
    • Mostly just visible light, radio waves and some UV that make it to earths surface
  • x-rays
    • frequency range - 10 (18) to 10 (20) Hz
    • wavelength range - 10 (-9) to 10 (-11)
    • source - high energy e- striking a metal object
    • effect on living tissue - ionizing radiation; damages tissues
  • x-rays can be used in radiation therapy; targeted x-rays can kill cancer cells.
  • x-rays can't penetrate lead and other heavy metals
  • we allow exposure to x-rays because:
    • medical imaging has many benefits (broken bones, cavities, tumors)
    • the negative effects of x-rays take decades of accumulation to show any effects
    • the benefits outweigh the risks for most people, but limited exposure is preferred
  • Gamma Rays
    • frequency range - 10 (19) to 10 (23) Hz
    • wavelength range - 10 (-10) to 10 (-14) m
    • source - radioactive nuclei
    • effect on living tissue - ionizing radiation;damages tissues (can cause cataracts)
  • y-rays (gamma rays) have 1000 times more energy than x-rays
  • y-rays don't reach the Earth's surface as they're absorbed by the atmosphere
  • targeted y-rays are an effective way to kill cancer cells
  • cobalt - 60 is a radioactive isotope that emits y-rays
  • frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength
  • ^ = wavelength (m)
    f = frequency (Hz)
    v = speed (c = the speed of light) {m/s}