Sounds- Thorax and Lungs

Cards (22)

  • Normal Breathe Sounds: Brochial- trachial area, high pitch and loud, inspiration, slightly shorter than expiration.
  • Normal Breathe Sounds: Bronchovesicular- bronchial heard, Anteriorly 1st and 2nd intercostal space near the sternum. Posteriorly, between scapulae (shoulder blades), medium pitch, inspiratory time often equal to expiratory.
  • Normal Breathe Sounds: Vesicular- anteriorly & posteriorly - heard peripheral lung fields. Inspiration slightly greater than expiration. Soft with low pitch.
  • ABNORMAL RESPIRATORY PATTERNS: Tachypnea- Shallow breathing with increased respiratory rate. Panic, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction.
  • ABNORMAL RESPIRATORY PATTERNS: Bradypnea- Decreased rate but regular breathing. Obesity and Alcoholism
  • ABNORMAL RESPIRATORY PATTERNS: Apnea-Absence of breathing;
  • ABNORMAL RESPIRATORY PATTERNS: Hyperpnea-Increased depth of breathing.
  • ABNORMAL RESPIRATORY PATTERNS: Kussmaul's respirations- Rapid, deep breathing without pauses; in adults, more than 20 breaths/minute: breathing usually sounds labored with deep breaths that resemble sighs. Ketons of DKA
  • ABNORMAL RESPIRATORY PATTERNS: Cheyne-Stokes respirations-Breaths that gradually become faster and deeper than normal, then slower, and alternate with periods of apnea. Heart failure, myocardial infarction.
  • ABNORMAL RESPIRATORY PATTERNS: Biot's respirations-Rapid, deep breathing with abrupt pauses between each breath; equal depth to each breathe. Strokes, brain infections.
  • Adventitios sounds in lungs: STRIDOR- continous high pitched, crowing sound heard, predominantly on inspiration, group and foreign body obstruction.
  • Adventitios sounds in lungs: WHEEZE- high pitched continous musical sound, sibilant wheeze, high pitched musical sound, sibilant wheeze, high pitched musical sound. Also known as rhonchi, sonorous wheeze, heard in during expiration. Asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.
  • Adventitios sounds in lungs: FINE CRACKLES- alveolar rales, create fine, short, high pitched, intermittent crackling sounds. Air passing through fluid, pus/mucus.
  • Adventitios sounds in lungs: COARSE CRACKLES- low pitched and moist. pulmonary edema and bronchitis.
  • Adventitious sounds in lungs: PLEURAL RUB- movement inflamed pleural surfaces against. One another during chest wall movement. Harsh grating or cracking. Tuberculosis and Pneumonia. Lower anterior lungs and lateral chest during inspiration and expiration.
  • Percussion Sounds: FLAT- short, soft, high,pitched, found over thigh. Atelectasis and extensive pleural.
  • Percussion Sounds: DULL- medium in intensity and pitch, moderate lenght, thudlike, found over liver.
  • Percussion Sounds: RESONANT- long, loud, low pitched, hollow. Normal lung tissue, bronchitis.
  • Percussion Sounds: HYPERRESSONANT- Very loud, lower pitched, as found over the stomach. Hyperinflated lung, as in emphysema or pneumothorax.
  • Percussion Sounds: TYMPANIC- loud, high pitched, moderate length, musical, drumlike, found over a puffed out cheek.
  • RALES- discrete non-continuous sound, produced by moisture in the lung tissues; can be fine in quality or coarse.
  • RHONCRI- continuous sounds produced by air being forced through narrowed passages,