Psychological Intervention - method in inducing changes in a person's
behaviors, thoughts, or feelings.
Wolberg ( 1967) psychotherapy is a form of treatment for problems of an emotional nature in which a trained person deliberately establishes a professional relationship with a patient with the object or removing, modifying or regarding existing symptoms of mediating disturbed paterns of behavior, and of promoting positive personality growth and deveropment.
average person receiving tne treatment in clinical trials is demonstrated to be significanty less dysfunctional than the average person nor receiving any treatment.
Psychotherapy is a form of intervennon that occurs in a professional conrext whose aim is to solve psychological probiems, improve coping and functioning, prevent future problems, or increase life satisfaction
Evidence-basedtreatment originally called empirically validated treatment
APA defines EBT in psychotherapy as ”the integration of the best available rese with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences.”
Precontemplation - client has no intention of changing his/her behavior in near future
Contemplation - client is aware that a problem exists but has not yet committed him-or herself to trying to make changes
Preparation - client intends to make a change in near future
Action - clients are changing their malada behaviors, emotions, and/or th environment
Maintenance - client works on preventing relapses and on furthering the gains that have been made during the action stage
Termination - client has made the nec changes, and relapse is no longer a threat
Eysenck (1952) produce a report suggesting that psychotherapy with “neurotics” was no more effective at all
Sigmund Freud - founder of psychoanalysis, Freud’s work laid the foundation of psychodynamic theory
Jean Charcot - studies of “hysteria” and use of hypnosis
Josef Breuer - “Anna O,” talking cure
Determinist - “everything we fo has meaning and purpose and is goal directed “
Unconscious Motivation - significant portion of human behavior is driven by unconscious desires, wishes, and impulses that are not directly accessible to conscious awareness
Instinct - the energy that makes the human machine function
Eros (life instincts) - basic drive for survival, self-preservation, and reproduction
Thanos (death instinct) A Freud suggested that humans also possess an innate drive tow aggression, destruction, and death
Id - deep inaccessible portion of the personality
Ego - executive of the personality
Superego - ideals and values of society
Freud considered childhood to be a paramount importance in snaping the character and personality of the individual
Oral - mouth
Anal - defecation and urination
Phallic - sexual organs
Latency - overt sexual activity
Genital - mature expression of sexuality
Anxiety - a central psychological phenomenon that arises from conflicts between parts of the mind and between unconscious desires and conscious thoughts
Reality Anxiety - stems from a fear that one‘s id impulses will be expressed unchecked
Moral Anxiety - arises from a fear that one will not conform to the standards of the conscience
Ego Defenses - “defense mechanism” divert psychic energy from more constructive activities and at the same time distort reality
Free Association - patients must say anything and everything that comes to mind
Dreams - thought to reveal the nature of the unconscious “royal road to the unconscious “
Manifest Content - literal events and imagery of the dream
LatentContent - hidd, symbolic meanings and desires
TransferenceandProjection - dream analysis can reveal transference reactions. this provides insights to the patient‘s emotional experiences and relationships
Unconsciousconflicts - desires and unresolved issues can be brought into conscious awareness