5year plans: collect all produce to distribute evenly which failedleading to nationalstarvation and rebellions which were put down by the KGB harshly. Despite this, Stalin was rarelycriticised by media, other countries and leaders
Became leader of Russia after the death of Lenin,unpopular among communists, skilledpolitician,outmaneuvered opponents, led Russia to victory in WW2
Napoleon the pig
Emerged as the leader of Animal Farm after the rebellion, used militaryforcetointimidateother animals and consolidate his power, proved moretreacherous than hiscounterpart,Snowball
Tyrannicaldictator Stalin
Manipulatedfundamentalprinciples for his own benefit and usedpropaganda to indoctrinate society, totalitariangovernment
Stalin had a blatantlustforpower, disguised autocracy as democracy