Mapeh (P.E.) 4th quarter reviewer

Cards (28)

  • comlombia - zumba originated
  • india - chess originated
  • india - badminton originated
  • england - table tennis originated
  • france - billiards originated
  • indoor - These are the activities held inside the building or premises.
  • badminton - The game which was formerly known as "poona"
  • alberto perez - He discovered the dance Zumba
  • table tennis - It is also known as Pingpong
  • cue - The long stick used in Billiards
  • shuttlecock - The feathered plastic or nylon "birdie" in badminton
  • zumba - An indoor aerobics recreational dance using latin movements
  • shah mat - Persian word which means "King is dead"
  • shuttlecock - A cork to which feathers are attached to form a cone shape
  • Recreation - is an act of doing activities you voluntarily participate in during your leisure or free time.
  • Recreational activities - are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and considered as pastime.
  • Indoor Activities - are activities which are held inside the building or premises
  • indoor activities examples
    > chess
    > billiards
    > taekwondo
    > table tennis
  • Outdoor Activities - are activities held in an out of door space. It can be a green space on a property or in contact with nature.
  • outdoor activities examples
    > fishing
    > hiking
    > swimming
    > mountaineering
    > orienteering
  • benefits of indoor recreational activities such as badminton and volleyball
    > It enhances the metabolism of the body and is a factor in losing weight.
  • volleyball - is an indoor sport in which a net separates two teams from six players.
  • chess - the game is said to be originated in India (Charutaranga) and Persia which was derived from Persian word “shah” which means King and “checkmate or shah mat” means the king is dead
  • Orienteering - an outdoor activity that involves basic navigation skills.
  • badminton - is going on in an indoor sport played using a racquet to hit a shuttlecock across a net
  • Badminton become an official Olympic sport in 1992 Barcelona Olympics
  • Zumba - another indoor alternative recreation for those who enjoy the beat of rhythm and movement & with fitness benefits.
  • Alberto ”Beto” Perez - a celebrity fitness trainer of Colombia in the mid 90’s who started the Zumba dance