All neural structures outside the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Includes sensory receptors, peripheral nerves, associated ganglia, and motor endings
Provides links to and from the external environment
Cordlike organ of the PNS consisting of peripheral axons enclosed by connective tissue
Connective tissue coverings of a nerve
Endoneurium - loose connective tissue that surrounds axons
Perineurium - coarse connective tissue that bundles fibers into fascicles
Epineurium - tough fibrous sheath around a nerve
Sensory nerves
Carry impulses to the CNS
Motor nerves
Carry impulses from the CNS
Mixed nerves
Carry both sensory and motor fibers to and from the CNS
Mixed nerves
Carry somatic and autonomic (visceral) impulses
Four types: somatic afferent and somatic efferent, visceral afferent and visceral efferent
Cranial nerves
Twelve pairs of nerves that arise from the brain
Cranial nerves
Have sensory, motor, or both sensory and motor functions
Each nerve is identified by a number (I through XII) and a name
Four carry parasympathetic fibers that serve muscles and glands
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory
Carries afferent impulses for the sense of smell
Cranial Nerve II: Optic
Carries afferent impulses for vision
Cranial Nerve III: Oculomotor
Functions in raising the eyelid, directing theeyeball, constricting the iris, and controlling lens shape
Cranial Nerve IV: Trochlear
Primarily a motor nerve that directs the eyeball
Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal
Composed of three divisions: ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2), and mandibular (V3)
Conveys sensory impulses from various areas of the face (V1 and V2), and supplies motor fibers (V3) for mastication
Cranial Nerve VI: Abducens
Primarily a motor nerve innervating the lateral rectus muscle
Cranial Nerve VII: Facial
Mixed nerve with five major branches
Motor functions include facial expression, and the transmittal of autonomic impulses to lacrimal and salivary glands
Sensory function is taste from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear
Functions are solely sensory – equilibrium and hearing
Cranial Nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal
Motor – innervates part of the tongue and pharynx, and provides motor fibers to the parotid salivary gland
Sensory – fibers conduct taste and general sensory impulses from the tongue and pharynx
Cranial Nerve X: Vagus
The only cranial nerve that extends beyond the head & neck
Most motor fibers are parasympathetic fibers to the heart, lungs, and visceral organs
Its sensory function is in tastes
Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory
Primarily a motor nerve that supplies fibers to the larynx, pharynx, and soft palate, and innervates the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid, which move the head and neck
Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal
Innervates both extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue, which contribute to swallowing and speech