Cards (18)

  • Conditions affect CN V will cause
    Weakness of jaw movements, facial pain, facial sensory loss
  • Conditions affecting CNV
    • Trigeminal sensory Neuropathy
    • Trigeminal Neuralgia
    • Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus
    • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Motor Symptoms
    • Quite Rare
    • Facial muscles are so strong, it makes it hand to determine weakness
    • LMNL -lateral pterygoid muscle will be impaired + jaw will not open symmetrically + jaw will deviate to weak side
  • One Division suggests
    Peripheral Nerve Lesion
  • More than one division suggests
    Root or Brainstem lesion
  • Dissociated Sensory loss, Lost in particular modalities, eg pain and temp, but preservation of touch suggests
    Brainstem lesion
  • With CN palsy favours -
    an intrinsic BS lesion
  • Without CN palsy favours -
    a supratentorial lesion or upper cervical cord lesion
  • Brainstem lesion affects
    Trunk, limbs and opposite side of the face
  • Lesion in medulla affects
    Nociception but preserves touch sensation
  • Conditions affecting CNV - at pans

    • Vascular ischemia from arterial occlusion = sudden onset
    • Neoplastic - benign or malignant = progressive onset
    • Demyelination-multiple sclerosis = recurrent
    • Syringobulbia = chronic progressive or acute traumatic
  • Conditions affecting CN V. at cembellopontine Angle
    • Acoustic Neuroma = most common and is a slow growing tumour
    • Trigeminal Neuroma
    • Meningitis
  • Conditions affecting CN V - at ridge/apex of petrous temporal bone
    • Petrositosis - osteitis or menginitis associated with otitis media
    • Usually has CN VI as a component
  • Conditions affecting CN V - at orbital pssure skull base
    • Nasopharyngeal Cancer or metastasis
    • Trauma
  • Conditions affecting CN V - at cavernous sinus
    • Look for involvement of IV, VI together with 1st division of V
    • Tumour (pituitary, meningioma, mers)
    • Intracavernous aneurysm
    • Cavernous sinus thrombosis
    • Tolosa Hunt Syndrame
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
    • Usually triggered by cold air, opening jaws, hot or cold drinks
    • Can affect area from top lip up the side of the nose + around eye
    • Can also affect area from temples down the jaw + around corners of their lips
  • Treatment for trigeminal neuralgia
    Often involves surgery, where they insert a protective pad inbetween trigeminal nerve and blood vessel loop
  • Onion skin suggests
    Brainstem lesion