Oedipus the King

Cards (13)

  • Here I am myself - you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus
  • You cannot equal the godsBut we do rate you first of men
  • What will come will come. Even if I shroud it all in silence
  • I say you are the murderer you hunt
  • You with your precious eyes, you’re blind to the corruption of your life
  • You, plotting to kill me, kill the king-
  • Have you no sense? Poor misguided men, such shouting - why this public outburst?
  • Why this rage? You’re so unbending
  • I have a terrible fear the blind seer can see
  • What should a man fear? It’s all chance, chance rules our lives
  • Stop - in the name of god, if you love your own life, call off this search!
  • I stand revealed at last - cursed in my birth, cursed in marriage
    • O Oedipus name for the ages