Ilieinbed at midnight with lit windows with my jumbo sized dentist drill like a damaged insect and might need police carsandambulances
Aunt Julia spoke gaelic but she was unanswered. She wad windspouringwetly and stainedwithpeat in the absolutedarkness.Icouldnot,icouldnot.
Tourists,cluckingcontendly,fluttered next to threetiersofchurchesbuild. The dwarf handsonbackwards was sat, slumpedlikeahalffilledsack.Thebrotherofthepoor, talkerwithbirdshadadvantageofnotbeingdeadyet.
The rock was emerging from the familytree.Icountasgain as i growpale.Sowho’sthemonster?
He is builtlikeagorilla, thickfleshed,steakcoloured.Ihoped…hoped he wouldnt use his nightstick, my tissuetear.Heisagorilla
Hereandupanddownandthere. I see a greenandyellow, corpse with a glassfang.I will notfeel.Iwillnotfeel. So i smiles.