They are diseasesthataffecttheheart and the blood vessels
They include 1:Varicoseveins,2: Thrombosis,3: Hypertension or high blood pressure and 4: Arteriosclerosis
Thrombosis is the formation of a clot in the blood vessels
It is caused when the wall of the artery become increasingly fibrous hence lose its elasticity or when cholesterol accumulates on the arterial wall or when internal bleeding
It's dangerous because it hinders the smooth supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body organs
Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure
Arteriosclerosis is hardening of the arteries due to aging or other factors such as smoking, alcoholism, diabetes etc.
Arteriosclerosis is hardeningofthearteriesduetodeposition of fatty substances on their walls which leads to narrowing of the lumen of the arteries
Coronary thrombosis: it the formation of a clot in the coronaryartery
Cerebral thrombosis: formation of a clot in the vesselspumpingtothebrain where the braincells are deprived of oxygen and nutrientsresults to a stroke
A stroke may lead to death
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Healthy feeding habbits
Having regular exercises
Avoid excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages
Not smoking cigarettes and other related drugs
Intake of less salts
Avoid general body stress
The most common cause of cardiac arrest is myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Myocardial infarction is the sudden blockage of one or more coronary arteries by a blood clot that prevents blood flow to part of the heart muscle
Myocardial infarction occurs when there is blockage of one or more of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle