Cards (27)

  • Signal learning
    The person develops a general diffuse reaction to stimuli
  • Signal learning
    • Ret Dem
  • Chaining
    The acquisition of a series of related conditioned responses or stimulus response connections
  • Chaining
    • IV infusion backflow
  • Rule learning
    Chain of concepts or a relationship between concepts "If then…" relationship
  • Verbal association
    Process of learning Medical terminology like Appendectomy
  • Concept learning
    Mentor of a less experienced nurse. Learning how to classify stimuli into groups represented by a common concept
  • Problem solving
    Must be able to recall and apply previously learned rules that relate to the situation
  • Nurse educator's role in learning
    • Assess the needs of the learner
    • Assess the problems and deficits
    • Recognize factors involved in readiness to learn
    • Correlate teaching interventions with learning styles to maximize opportunities for learning
    • Provide appropriate information and present it in unique ways
    • Identify progress of learning
    • Give feedback and follow up
    • Reinforce learning towards acquisition of KAS
    • Evaluate learners' abilities
  • Learning is the single most important person in the education process
  • Learning occurs without an educator, An educator enhances learning by facilitating education to occur
  • Assessment of the learner
    • Culture
    • Literacy
    • Age
    • Education Level
    • Health Status
    • Socio-Economic
  • Learning needs

    Gaps in knowledge that exist between the desired level of performance and actual level of performance
  • Readiness to learn
    When learner is receptive to learning
  • Learning style

    How learner best learn
  • Steps in assessment of learning needs
    1. Identify the learner
    2. Choose the right setting
    3. Collect data on the learner
    4. Include learner as a source of information
    5. Involve members of healthcare team
    6. Prioritize needs
    7. Determine availability of educational resources
    8. Assess demands of the organization regulations
    9. Take time management issues into account
  • Methods to assessment of learning needs
    • Informal conversation
    • Structured interviews
    • Focus groups
    • Self-administered Questionnaires
    • Tests
    • Observations
    • Patient Charts
  • Timing
    Point at which teaching must take place
  • Readiness to learn
    Time when the learner demonstrates an interest in learning information necessary to maintain optimal health
  • Learning styles
    • Right-brain & left-brain and whole brain thinking
    • Field Independent/Field Dependent Learners
    • Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory
    • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
    • Kolb's Learning Style Inventory
    • Gregoc Style Delineator
    • VARK Learning Style
  • Field dependent learners
    • They find it difficult to restructure new information and forge links with prior knowledge
    • Their personalities show a greater social orientation
    • They experience surroundings in a relatively global fashion. Passively conforming to the influence of the prevailing field or context
    • They demonstrate fewer proportional reasoning skills
    • They prefer working in groups
    • They struggle with individual elements
    • They are externally directed
    • They are influenced by salient features
    • They accept ideas as presented
  • Field independent learners
    • They are able to reorganize information to provide a context for prior knowledge
    • They are influenced less by social reinforcement
    • They experience surroundings analytically, with objects experienced as being discrete from their backgrounds
    • They demonstrate greater proportional reasoning skills
    • They prefer working alone
    • They are good with problems that require taking elements out of their whole context
    • They are internally directed
    • They are individualistic
    • They accept ideas strengthened through analysis
  • Concrete sequential (CS) learners
    • Highly structured, conservative manner in which specific details and time schedules are critical
    • Objectives are important, as well as clear beginning and end
    • Tolerate interruption during the performance of the skill
  • Abstract sequential learners
    • Global thinkers and surround themselves with language and other symbols of knowledge
    • Like to deal with abstract ideas and their style of learning continually leads to further understanding
    • Do not learn when a sequence is interrupted
    • Need facts and written documents such as statistics and references
  • Abstract random (AR) learners
    • Value relationships over time-bound structures
    • Think in global terms, and their thinking process is anchored in feelings
    • Direct attention to information that has personal meaning to them
    • Learning can be enhanced by color, music, picture, drawings, symbols, poetry, and humor
    • Busy environment and likely ask questions during discussion
    • Learning is achieved in groups, with opportunity for discussion and question and answer
  • Concrete random (CR) learners
    • Seek alternatives and create choices where none existed before
    • Inquisitive and will question motives
    • Attention is focused on the process and the CR individual will make intuitive leaps or insights
    • "Why" is more important than "how"
    • Do not like detail and have difficulty in step-by-step learning
  • 4MAT system
    • Engages in the right brain by sensing and feeling their way through an experience, then move on the left-brain to analyze what they have experienced
    • Begin with the right brain to make observations and integrate data with present knowledge, then engage the left-brain to think about new theories and concepts relative to these observations
    • Begin with the left brain by working with defined concepts, then shift to the right brain to experiment with what has to be learned
    • Begin with the left brain by analyzing the practicality of what has been learned, then move to the right brain to show mastery through application and the sharing of findings with others