The Notting Hill area of London had been a slum for the poorest white workers even before West Indian immigration in the 1950s
Houses were very overcrowded with few facilities
There was a lot of crime in the community, which was very poorly policed, and its attraction to immigrants was that it was cheap
Notorious crooked property owner Peter Rachman was happy to use the 1957 Rent Act to evict low paying white residents of Notting Hill, making them very resentful towards the West Indian immigrants
On one side were the West Indians, mostly lively young black men who spent their free time in ska music clubs and gambling dens
On the other side were right-wing organisations like the Union for British Freedom, with slogans like 'Keep Britain White, Niggers Go Home' and 'Niggers Leave Our Girls Alone' common in the area
In the summer of 1958 there had already been violent attacks by Teddy Boys on West Indians in the St. Ann's district of Nottingham
On 30 August, large gangs of white youths started to attack houses where West Indians lived, using milk bottles, iron bars and later petrol bombs, while shouting slogans like, 'Let's lynch the niggers! Let's burn their homes!'