Arnis is an event that aims to bond and develop friendship and brotherhood
It is never a sport to hurt and defeat the opponent but to improve the skills of the players
It aims to develop the mind, the physique, and the character of the player
Arnis is played to develop the social aspect that will lead to the close bonding of all practitioners
All the practitioners respect each other. They salute each other when they meet and from a meeting before they depart
The juniors do not have the right to challenge the seniors unless in the program set by their association to fulfill an objective
All the practitioners continue to move on as there is room for improvement or advancement
Each practitioner must share with other beginners or practitioners the advancement attained
Practitioners must desire to strengthen the Arnis family they belong by sharing love, knowledge and understanding
Practitioners must remember that Arnis is not a means to fight people but to bond with them for life improvement