Constitution/whole body - Cachexia and low body mass index, Arrested growth, Hypothermia
Cardiovascular - Myocardial atrophy, Bradycardia, Arrhythmias which may cause sudden death, Hypotension
Gynecologic and reproductive – Amenorrhea, Infertility
Endocrine - Osteoporosis and pathologic stress fractures
Gastrointestinal - Gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying), Constipation, Gastric dilatation, Increased colonic transit time, Hepatitis
Renal and electrolytes - Decreased glomerular filtration rate, Renal calculi, Impaired concentration of urine, Dehydration, Hypokalemia, Hypomagnesemia, Hypophosphatemia
Pulmonary - Respiratory failure
Hematologic - Anemia, Leukopenia, Thrombycytopenia
Neurologic - Cerebral atrophy, Cognitive impairment, Peripheral neuropathy
Dermatologic Xerosis (dry skin) Lanugo hair (fine, downy, dark hair)
Muscular - Muscle wasting
Vitamin deficiencies