Energy flow diagram shows howenergyflowsthroughanecosystem from producers to consumers, with arrows showing direction of energy transfer.
Pyramid of numbers
Thepyramid of numbers is based on the number of organisms at different trophic levels within anecosystem.
A foodwebisanetworkthatrepresentsallpossiblefeedingrelationshipsbetweenspeciesinanecosystem.
A food chain is a linearrepresentationofthepathwaybywhichenergypassesthroughanecosystemasitmovesfromonetrophicleveltoanother.
Pyramid of energy
This loss of energy results in a decrease in biomass at higher trophic levels, leading to a smaller pyramid of energy compared to the pyramid of biomass.
3 ways energy can be lost along a food chain
Respiration - organisms lose energy when they respire (breathe) to release energy stored in their cells.
Decomposition - dead plants and animals are broken down by decomposers such as bacteria and fungi, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Trophic efficiency - only a small proportion of the energy consumed by producers is transferred to consumers at each trophic level.
Energy flow diagrams show how energy flows between different species within an ecosystem.
Producers get their energy from the sun
Each arrow represents a trophic level
The arrows on the diagram represent the transfer of energy through the food web
The size of the circles shows the biomass of each trophic level
There is always some loss of energy during transfers