A purecovalentbond consists of a sharedpair of electrons
pure covalent bond is when both atoms have the sameelectronegativity ( amount of electrons)
Diatomic atoms are purecovalentbonds
Inpolarcovalentbonds one element is more electronegative ( which makes them stronger ) and pulls the other elementtowards it
Dipole where one atom ( the more electronegative one ) has a partialpositivecharge and the other has a partialnegativecharge
Ionicbonds are formed between a metal and a non-metal
Purecovalentbonds have nodifference in electronegativity
Polarcovalent have a lowdifference in electronegativity between the atoms
Ionicbonds have a highdifference in electronegativity between the atoms
Intermolecularbonds are between molecules
Londondispersionforces are the weakest type of intermolecular forces
London dispersionforces are caused by an unevendistribution of electrons in the outershell of atoms resulting in a slightlynegative and a slightly positivecharge on either side of the atom called a temporarydipole
A temporarydipole on one atom can induce a temporarydipole in another neighbouring atom.
Londondispersionforces are the electrostaticattractions between the slightly positive end of one atom and the slightly negative side of the other atom.
Molecules with a permanentdipole are polar
Hydrogenbonding is the strongest type of intermolecular bonds
If a molecule is not polar it is symmetrical like carbontetrachloride
If a molecule is notsymmetrical like water it is polar
All ionic compounds have a high melting and boilingpoint
when ioniccompounds are dissolved in water or are molten , the ions are free to movearound which makes them able to conductelectricity and heat
All covalentnetworkstructures have a very highmelting and boilingpoint
Water is denser than ice
Water has a high surface tension
Metallicbonding is the electrostaticforce of attraction between the metalatoms and the delocalisedelectrons
The strongest to weakest bonds are covalent bonds hydrogen bonds permanentdipoleinteractions and Londondispersionforces.