Formation of the modern Greek state
1. Revolution of 1821 ended in 1832 with the independence of a part of Greece
2. Britain, France, and Russia among the Great Powers of Europe, determined how much of Greece was to be liberated
3. They also selected a 17-year-old Bavarian, Prince Otto (Othon in Greek), to place on a previously nonexistent Greek throne
4. The seven Ionian islands off Greece's western coast in the Adriatic Sea were voluntarily ceded to Greece by the British in 1864
5. Greece liberated much of the area she desired in Epiros and Macedonia in 1912
6. Greece acquired parts of western Thrace and additional northern territories in 1913
7. Greece gained the Aegean-fronting area between Kavalla and the Evros River from Bulgaria in 1919
8. The Dodecanese islands were turned over to Greece in 1947