A voluntary response is where you make a conscious decision to carry out an action e.g. deciding to walk
A voluntary response means that it starts with your brain deciding to do something. The sensory neurons join to relay neurons in the spinal chord, which links to the motor neuron
An involuntary response is done without thinking in the shortest amount of time possible, from the sensory neurons to the relay neurons in the spinal chord, directly into the motor neurons
The reflex arc
A) sensory receptor
B) stimulus
C) sensory neurone
D) relay neurone
E) synapse
F) white matter
G) grey matter
H) spinal nerve
I) spinal chord
J) motor neurone
K) motor end plate
L) contracts
Electrical impulses get from one neurone to another by diffusing through the synapse
The chemicals that diffuse through the synapse are called neurotransmitters.
The two main effectors are muscles, which relax or contract, and glands, which release hormones
The electrical impulse triggers the release of neurotransmitters, which diffuse across the synapse between two neurones