What did Nightingale do and why did it help?
1. Windows were opened, the hospital was cleaned.
Patients were well fed, fresh water supplies improved.
Fresh air got rid of bacteria.
Better food meant they could recover their strength and fight off infection.
Fresh water was less likely to spread disease. The death rate fell from 42% to 2%
2. The public gave money so that the Nightingale School of Nursing could be built in London in 1860.
Now there was somewhere to train nurses. They could learn about Nightingale's ideas.
3. Her book "Notes on Nursing" was published. She described her methods:
Other doctors and hospitals could learn about her ideas.
4. Changed the image of nurses - By 1900 there were over 50,000 trained nurses.
Nursing became more popular. They were respected and seen as important by the public.