The government's ideas of prevention of disease
1. Vaccination campaigns: publicising and paying for people to have vaccines to prevent disease e.g. polio caused paralysis so in 1956 a vaccine was introduced to Britain. Today we also have vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and cervical cancer.
2. Laws are passed e.g. the Clean Air Act of 1956 aimed to prevent air pollution and smog (heavy fog caused by smoke and air pollution) which was causing breathing difficulties.
3. Campaigns to educate people : there is a better understanding of disease, so doctors have a better
understanding of how to prevent disease from happening in the first place e.g. unhealthy lifestyle, smoking.
a) There are campaigns to educate people about how to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise, eat more fruit.
b) There are campaigns about stopping unhealthy lifstyles - drink less alcohol, don't take drugs.