Subdecks (1)

Cards (877)

  • The one where Pitt and the King are just friends
    1783-1801, Pitt is the first Tory
  • The one where Addington adds up
    1801-04, Did taxes
  • The one where Pitt dies
  • The one where Grenville ends racism
    1806-07, Ministry of all talents ends the slave trade
  • The one with nothing
    1807-09, Portland is old
  • The one where Percival dies
    1809-12, frame breaking then gets noscoped
  • The one with the repression
    1812-27 - Lord Liverpool hates freedom
  • The one with Spain and Portugal
    1827 - Canning's stroke n' choke
  • The one where Goderich cries

    1827-28 - Goderich does Sliding scale and test/corp repeal
  • The one with Peel
    1828-30 - Wellington is an Ultra-Tory, but Peel does Met force and Catholic Emancipation and Penal code
  • The one with the Tea
    1830-34 Earl Grey does lots of reforms
  • The one with the affairs
    1834 - Melbourne gets cheated on XD
  • The return of the Mack
    1834 - Wellington comes back and be's old
  • The one with the manifesto
    1834-35 - Peel's minority does the Tamworth manifesto
  • The one with ANOTHER affair
    1835-41 - Melbourne comes back, queen fancies him, tries to resign
  • The one where Peel's the man
    1841-46, RePEEL of Corn Laws, chartists and stuff
  • The one where chaos starts with boring
    1846-52 Russel is ineffective and weak, abolishes navigation acts
  • The one with the owl
    1852, Derby's 'Who, Who?' Ministry
  • The one in Scotland and Ukraine
    1852-55, Aberdeen manages the Crimean War (Whig-Peelite coalition)
  • The one with foreign policy
    1855-58, Palmerston (Whig) reduces corruption, ends Indian Mutiny
  • The one where Palmerston is rudely interrupted

    1858-59, Derby with no majority
  • The one where Palmerston dies

    1859-65, Majority (Whig-peelite-liberal), few reforms, Civil War, 2nd Opium War
  • The one with the split
    1865-66, Russel (whig-peelite-liberal-radical), Gladstone splits libs with reform bill
  • The one with the show-up
    1866-68 (Derby), Disraeli does Gladstone's reform Act. 1.3m new voters.
  • The quick one
    1868 (one month with Disraeli)
  • The one with the liberalism
    1868-74 (liberal party) with Gladstone, "peace, retrenchment and reform"
  • The one where reform happens

    1874-80, Disraeli does houses, PHA, Factories, hates Ireland
  • The last one :'(
    1880-85, Gladstone does 3rd reform act (+6m), Irish Land Act, hates Ireland
  • What is Patronage?
    The King's ability to give privileges or make appointments - giving him considerable political power.
  • What government was Britain in the late 18th Century?
    Mixed constitution / constitutional monarchy
  • Who was Britain's monarch in 1783?
    King George III
  • When was the Bill of Rights passed, making King James II below Parliament?
  • What was the Civil List?
    The way Parliament allocated funds paid to individuals, such as the King, making him financially reliant on appeasing the Parliament
  • What was the Privy Council?
    members of the nobility which helpedgovern the country
    - monitored Parliament, Justices of Peace and oversawlaw and order
  • What happened in 1782?
    The King was forced by Parliament (after the loss of America) to accept the resignation of Lord North, PM and his replacement with Lord Rockingham.
  • Where was Pitt in Earl of Shelburne's government (following Rockingham)
    The Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • How big was the franchise in 1783?
    250,000 men in England and Wales - with no universal system
  • Types of Boroughs
    Potwalloper (own a hearth), Freemen, Scot and lot (vote if you paid a local tax), Corporation (mayor and members), Pocket (all one landowner), Rotten (2 MPs for few voters.
  • What was national debt?
    A long term debt set up in 1696 to meet the high cost of wars - loans from the Bank of England to the government (sudden increase in 1793)
  • What was the sinking fund?

    A saving scheme used to pay off the National Debt, which had money from taxation paid into it