1806-07, Ministry of all talents ends the slave trade
The one with nothing
1807-09, Portland is old
The one where Percival dies
1809-12, frame breaking then gets noscoped
The one with the repression
1812-27 - Lord Liverpool hates freedom
The one with Spain and Portugal
1827 - Canning's stroke n' choke
The one where Goderich cries
1827-28 - Goderich does Sliding scale and test/corp repeal
The one with Peel
1828-30 - Wellington is an Ultra-Tory, but Peel does Met force and Catholic Emancipation and Penal code
The one with the Tea
1830-34 Earl Grey does lots of reforms
The one with the affairs
1834 - Melbourne gets cheated on XD
The return of the Mack
1834 - Wellington comes back and be's old
The one with the manifesto
1834-35 - Peel's minority does the Tamworth manifesto
The one with ANOTHER affair
1835-41 - Melbourne comes back, queen fancies him, tries to resign
The one where Peel's the man
1841-46, RePEEL of Corn Laws, chartists and stuff
The one where chaos starts with boring
1846-52 Russel is ineffective and weak, abolishes navigation acts
The one with the owl
1852, Derby's 'Who, Who?' Ministry
The one in Scotland and Ukraine
1852-55, Aberdeen manages the Crimean War (Whig-Peelite coalition)
The one with foreign policy
1855-58, Palmerston (Whig) reduces corruption, ends Indian Mutiny
The one where Palmerston is rudely interrupted
1858-59, Derby with no majority
The one where Palmerston dies
1859-65, Majority (Whig-peelite-liberal), few reforms, Civil War, 2nd Opium War
The one with the split
1865-66, Russel (whig-peelite-liberal-radical), Gladstone splits libs with reform bill
The one with the show-up
1866-68 (Derby), Disraeli does Gladstone's reform Act. 1.3m new voters.
The quick one
1868 (one month with Disraeli)
The one with the liberalism
1868-74 (liberal party) with Gladstone, "peace, retrenchment and reform"
The one where reform happens
1874-80, Disraeli does houses, PHA, Factories, hates Ireland
The last one :'(
1880-85, Gladstone does 3rd reform act (+6m), Irish Land Act, hates Ireland
What is Patronage?
The King's ability to give privileges or make appointments - giving him considerable political power.
What government was Britain in the late 18th Century?
Mixed constitution / constitutional monarchy
Who was Britain's monarch in 1783?
King George III
When was the Bill of Rights passed, making King James II below Parliament?
What was the Civil List?
The way Parliament allocated funds paid to individuals, such as the King, making him financially reliant on appeasing the Parliament
What was the Privy Council?
members of the nobility which helpedgovern the country
- monitored Parliament, Justices of Peace and oversawlaw and order
What happened in 1782?
The King was forced by Parliament (after the loss of America) to accept the resignation of Lord North, PM and his replacement with Lord Rockingham.
Where was Pitt in Earl of Shelburne's government (following Rockingham)
The Chancellor of the Exchequer
How big was the franchise in 1783?
250,000 men in England and Wales - with no universal system
Types of Boroughs
Potwalloper (own a hearth), Freemen, Scot and lot (vote if you paid a local tax), Corporation (mayor and members), Pocket (all one landowner), Rotten (2 MPs for few voters.
What was national debt?
A long term debt set up in 1696 to meet the high cost of wars - loans from the Bank of England to the government (sudden increase in 1793)
What was the sinking fund?
A saving scheme used to pay off the National Debt, which had money from taxation paid into it