18th and 19th century (1700-1900)

Cards (14)

  • spontaneous generation

    idea of cause - that decay caused microbes to generate
  • microscope improves

  • louis pasteur published germ theory that bad microbes cause disease
  • robert kok used pasteur work and found microbe also cause disease like TB and cholera
  • koch discovered agar jelly
  • florence nightingale went to crimean way 1854 - 56, 

    made a training shcool for nurses
  • history of anaesthetics
    1844 - laughing gas
    1846 - ether
    1847 - chloroform - james simpson
  • 1861 - joseph lister uses carbolic acid as antiseptic
    1865 - soaks instruments and bandages in it

    decreases infection
  • 1875 public health act, compulsory
    no longer lasseiz faire
    • clean water, sewers,
  • first public health act

  • edward jenner

    1790s - smallpox vaccine
    lots of opposition from doctors and church
    1979 WHO smallpox wiped out
  • cholera epidemic

  • great stink = new sewer system 

  • 1854
    john snow and cholera