Cards (63)

  • Research
    The scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of facts that lines an individual's speculation with reality
  • Solutions to problems must be based on knowledge not on mere beliefs, guesses or theories
  • Research procedure
    1. Systematic and well-planned
    2. To meet the need
    3. To acquire information
    4. To evaluate accuracy and effectiveness
  • Inquiry
    • A term that is synonymous with the word 'investigation'
    • Asking questions to probe or examine something to request for truth, information, or knowledge
  • Research
    • Organized and objective creation of knowledge
    • Systematic (with a system or method, the scientific method)
    • Objective (no bias, all angles presented)
    • Knowledge creation (a creative process)
  • Research
    The scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of facts that lines an individual's speculation with reality
  • Solutions to problems must be based on knowledge not on mere beliefs, guesses or theories
  • Research procedure
    1. Systematic and well-planned
    2. To meet the need
    3. To acquire information
    4. To evaluate accuracy and effectiveness
  • Inquiry
    • A term synonymous with 'investigation'
    • Asking questions to probe or examine something to request for truth, information, or knowledge
  • Research
    • Organized and objective creation of knowledge
    • Systematic (with a system or method, the scientific method)
    • Objective (no bias, all angles presented)
    • Knowledge creation (a creative process)
  • Abstract
    Summarizes all sections and helps the readers decide whether or not to read the entire report
  • Problem
    • A statement clarifying what the research is all about
    • States the general problem and the specific statements of the problem in question form
    • The targets of the researcher to be given answers as results of the study
  • Background of study

    • Provides the reason why a researcher has to make a certain study
    • Serves as a bridge that connects a present situation to the present study
  • Scope and limitation
    • Provides the reader the boundaries as to where the study is to be covered
    • States a specific place, event, or people under study
  • Literature review
    Provides a review of studies, published or unpublished, that others have written or researched on concerning a topic under study
  • Research
    The scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of facts that lines an individual's speculation with reality
  • Hypothesis
    A tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical and empirical consequences
  • Methodology
    • Presents and explains how the research is conducted
    • Includes how data would be gathered, interpreted, and analyzed
  • Results
    The final data gathered by the researcher which is analyzed and interpreted, or treated statistically
  • Data
    The information gathered from the participants or correspondents
  • Solutions to problems must be based on knowledge not on mere beliefs, guesses or theories
  • Analysis
    The discussion, evaluation, and interpretation of the results of the research
  • Conclusion
    • Provides a comprehensive summary of the research
    • Usually based on the results or data
  • Research procedure
    1. Systematic and well-planned
    2. To meet the need
    3. To acquire information
    4. To evaluate accuracy and effectiveness
  • Recommendation
    • Borne out of the results of a study
    • The only part of research which the researcher claims to be their own
  • Appendix
    Contains related information such as graphs, charts, tables, and lists
  • Inquiry
    • A term synonymous with 'investigation'
    • Asking questions to probe or examine something to request for truth, information, or knowledge
  • Research
    • Organized and objective creation of knowledge
    • Systematic (with a system or method, the scientific method)
    • Objective (no bias, all angles presented)
    • Knowledge creation (a creative process)
  • Research Instrument
    • The questionnaire or set of questions asked to gather information in a survey
    • Can also mean the observation and interview protocol prepared by a researcher before conducting interview and observation
  • Abstract
    Summarizes all sections and helps the readers decide whether or not to read the entire report
  • Correspondence or participants
    The research participants who will be the subject of the study, or participants who will be the source of data for research
  • Significance of the study
    Shows the benefits of the study to address issues and problems, improve economic and health conditions, or find solutions to problems encountered in daily life
  • Definition
    A statement that explains and/or describes the meaning of a word or phrase in a clear, complete, and exact manner
  • Technical definition
    A general meaning of the word or term
  • Types of technical definition
    • Parenthetical definitions (using a more familiar synonym in parenthesis)
    • Sentence definitions (more complex terms may need a sentence definition, which may be more than one sentence)
  • Operational definition

    • How the term is applied or used in the research
    • The researcher formulates the meaning of the term which is objectively anchored on the technical definition
  • Extended definition

    • One or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term
    • Provides clearer and additional information of a term or word
  • Ways to extend definition
    • Etymology (explaining the origin of the word itself)
    • History (if relevant, discussing the history of the term/its use/controversies associated with it)
    • Cause and effect (discussing how the situation came about and what effects it may have)
    • Description (how a term or phrase defined looks like visually and anatomically)
    • Principles of operation (discussing how topic in a statement or question functions, including any special materials or conditions required)
    • Classification (showing how the topic fits into a larger category)
    • Contrast/Negation (showing how the topic differs from others in the same class)
    • Comparison (showing how the topic is similar to others in the class)
    • Analogy (explaining by comparing two dissimilar topics, where the second is familiar to the audience)
    • Examples (providing examples to the word being described gives extended meaning)
    • Illustration (provide a picture or images that is used to clarify a text)
  • Coherent writing
    • One best way to extend definition of words is the application of coherence in writing
    • Sentences and ideas must blend so the reader will have an easy time following what the writer wants to put across
  • Cohesive devices for coherent writing
    • Repetition of key term or phrase (to focus on ideas and keep the reader on track)
    • Synonyms (to provide variety in word choices and help the reader stay focused on the idea being discussed)
    • Pronouns (to refer back to something previously mentioned, ensuring clarity)
    • Transitional words (to cue readers to relationships between sentences, joining them together)