
Cards (27)

  • Breasts
    Paired mammary glands that produce and store milk to provide nourishment for newborns, and aid in sexual stimulation
  • Mammary glands
    • Present in both sexes, but function only in females
    • Modified sweat glands
    • Function is to produce milk to nourish a newborn
    • Stimulated by sex hormones (mostly estrogens) to increase in size
  • Parts of the mammary gland
    • Areola
    • Nipple
    • Lobes
    • Lobules
    • Alveolar glands
    • Lactiferous ducts
    • Lactiferous sinus
  • Lymph nodes drain impurities from the breasts
  • Breast cancer
    Most common cancer among women
  • Most breast tumors occur in the upper outer quadrant
  • Preparing the client for breast examination
    1. Client sitting in an upright position
    2. Explain the importance of exposing both breasts
    3. Inspection, palpation
  • Equipment for breast examination
    • Centimeter ruler
    • Small pillow
    • Gloves
    • Specimen slide
    • Client handout on breast self examination
  • Inspection
    Examining the size, shape, color, texture, superficial venous patterns, retraction and dimpling of the breasts
  • Palpation
    Examining the texture, elasticity, tenderness, temperature, and masses of the breasts
  • Dimpling or retraction of the breasts is usually caused by a malignant tumor
  • Expected changes in aging female breasts
    • Decrease in size
    • Decrease in firmness
    • Glandular tissue decreases whereas fatty tissue increases
  • A pigskin-like or orange-peel appearance results from edema, which is seen in metastatic breast disease
  • Gynecomastia
    Swelling of the male breasts
  • Axillary lymph nodes
    • No rash or infection
    • No palpable nodes or one to two small discrete, non-tender, movable nodes in the central area
  • Breast self-examination (BSE)

    Technique for women to examine their own breasts for changes
  • Mammography
    • X-ray examination that detects breast cancers too small to feel
    • Recommended annually for women between 45 and 54 years old and every 2 years thereafter if the results are normal
  • Breast cancer usually arises from the epithelial cells of the ducts
  • Radical mastectomy
    Removal of the entire affected breast plus all muscles, fascia and associated lymph nodes
  • Lumpectomy
    Only the cancerous parts are excised
  • Simple mastectomy
    Only breast tissue is removed
  • Obstructed mammary gland can cause redness
  • Sore nipples
    May be caused by improper breastfeeding technique, bacteria, fungus, or other skin conditions
  • Mastitis
    Infection of the breast, causing the breast to be hot, tender, reddened, and soft, with the mother feeling feverish
  • Candida can infect the nipple
  • Types of nipples
    Some nipple types may make breastfeeding more difficult
  • Techniques to help with inverted or flat nipples
    1. Use a breast pump to draw out the nipple
    2. Breastfeed in positions that allow the baby to latch onto the nipple more easily, like lying down or with the baby on top