Mil 6

Cards (46)

  • Digital Citizenship
    Ability to find, access, use and create information effectively; engage with other users and with content in an active, critical, sensitive and ethical manner; navigate the online and ICT environment safely and responsibly, being aware of one's own rights
  • Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

    • Concepts related to MIL
  • Issues in Media and Information Literacy
    • Netiquette
    • Intellectual Property and Plagiarism
    • Data Privacy (Hacking, Phishing, and Identity Theft)
    • Other forms of Cybercrimes
    • Cyberbullying
    • Fake information ("Fake News")
    • Computer Addiction
    • Digital Divide
  • Intellectual Property
    Creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce
  • Types of Intellectual Property
    • Copyright
    • Patent
    • Trademark
    • Industrial Design
    • Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin
  • Copyright
    Protects the form of material expression and is only available for works that are fixed in tangible form
  • Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works
  • Famous Copyright Infringement Claims
    • League of Legends vs Mobile Legends lawsuit
    • The Associated Press vs. Fairey
  • Public Domain
    A body of creative work to which no exclusive intellectual property rights apply
  • Copyleft
    Choosing not to file for a copyright and willfully "dedicating" it to the public domain
  • Plagiarism
    An instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization; the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original
  • Acts of Plagiarism
    • Copying media, especially images from other websites to paste them into your own papers or websites
    • Making a video using footage from others' video or using copyrighted music as part of the soundtrack
    • Performing another person's copyrighted music (i.e. playing a cover)
    • Composing a piece of music that borrows heavily form another composition
  • Most Common Types of Plagiarism Committed by Students
    • Verbatim Plagiarism
    • Mosaic Plagiarism
    • Misattribution Plagiarism
    • Self-Plagiarism
  • Cyberbullying
    The act of harassing or overpowering another person through digital means (such as social media)
  • Experts generally define cyberbullying as the act of harassing or overpowering another person through digital means (such as social media)
  • Total number of cyberbullying incidents in the Philippines in 2019, by region (in 1,000s)
  • Social media sites and apps were the most common digital forms of cyberbullying
  • 69% of those who admitted to cyberbullying have also disclosed that they have bullied others in person
  • "cyberharassment is both public and permanent"
  • 42% of individuals using Instagram and 37% of those on Facebook are likely to be cyberbullied
  • Snapchat users have a 31% chance of experiencing cyberbullying and a 12% chance on WhatsApp
  • 79% of kids on YouTube and 69% of kids using Snapchat are likely to be cyberbullied
  • Children on Tik Tok have a 64% chance of experiencing cyberbullying and a 49% chance on Facebook
  • 57% of adolescents and teens have been cyberbullied in an online game
  • Cyber Harassment
    When a perpetrator attacks a person in a constant basis with the objective of instilling emotional harm, fear, and lack of security within the victim's online social circles
  • Cyber Harassment
    • Sending unnecessary messages (such as threats and ransoms)
    • Posting of unnecessary media related to the person, with the objective of exposing, or shaming, and/or making fun of the victim
    • Enticing the victim to do something for the perpetrator's benefit (such as cybersex, scamming, fraud, etc.)
  • Cyber Stalking
    When the perpetrator follows the trail of the victim through acquiring their personal information, with the intent of harming them using the acquired information
  • Trolling
    To blatantly (obviously) attack someone whom you are not in good terms with or a random person for the satisfaction of getting to the nerves of that person, eliciting unsuspecting replies and rebuttals (denials), only to be met with more intentional attacks
  • What makes cyberbullying bothersome and more dangerous than conventional/traditional bullying:
  • Characteristics of a person subject to cyberbullying
    • Lower self-esteem
    • Increased thoughts of committing suicide (formally called as "suicide ideation")
    • Various emotional responses such as getting scared, frustrated, angry, anxious, and depressed
  • Cyberbullying prevention and strategies
    1. Be optimistic
    2. Stop bullying
    3. Respond
  • Responding to cyberbullying
    1. Always log out your account after using
    2. Keep your password by yourself. Don't share it
    3. Always check the content before posting or sharing
    4. Share to the person whom you can trust with
    5. Respect and love other people and yourself
  • What you can do if you are experiencing cyberbullying
    1. Tell an adult. You have the right to be safe online
    2. Document the bullying. Save or print the messages posts and screenshots
    3. Report bullying to your school or the social media provider
  • Steps to take when you have witnessed cyberbullying
    1. Don't participate or engage
    2. Report it
    3. Respond with positive support
    4. Reach out to the person being bullied
  • Cyberbullying is a significant consequence of increased online activity and affects individuals, groups, and entire communities. Addressing it requires a collective effort and interventions on multiple levels.
  • Digital Divide
    The social and economic imbalance of the opportunities to access to, use of or knowledge of information and communication technology (ICTS)
  • Aspects of Digital Divide in the Philippine Context
    • Access to Information
    • Access to Usage of technology
  • Access to Information
    • Among socio-economic groups
    • Among socio-political groups
    • Between geographical locations
    • Between geopolitical status
    • Between genders
  • Access to Usage of technology
    • Capability of using a particular software/application
    • Access to technological tools
    • Quality of internet connection
  • Overcoming Digital Divide
    1. Lowering the cost of internet connection in the house
    2. A law should be created to make all public places have free internet access set by the government
    3. The different LGUs and NGOs should conduct a forum about the advantage of technology and how to use the advance technology in rural areas
    4. The parents should be given with trainings related to technology by the schools and libraries