Conjunctions are words or group of words that are used to connect other words or phrases in a sentence
Coordinatingconjunctions is the most common type of conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions is used in linking two clauses together
Correlativeconjunctions are pair of conjunctions which are used to join equal sentence elements together
Pronouns are used to replace nouns in sentences
Prepositions indicate relationships between other words in a sentence
Adverbs are words that can be used to showorder, contrast, and such
Ellipsis is also known as dot-dot-dot because it consists of three periods, or dots, in a row of writing
Adverbs as conjunctions are called adverbial conjunctions
While is one of the lists common subordinating conjunctions
Paragraph coherence is achieved when sentences are arranged logically
Cohesion is how well parts of your text fit together
Cohesive devices has 5 types
Conjunctions are key to good cohesion
Coordinating conjunctions is placed between the words or groups of words that it links together
Subordinating conjunctions describe the relationship between the dependent clause and independent clause in the sentence
Explicit signals are the spoken or written messages that are clearly stated
Explicit signals are clear and detailed
Implicit signals are statements or messages that are not stated but are understood
Implicit signals can be statements that have deeper meanings than literal ones, body gestures or movements, or facial impressions.
Explicit are plainly stated and leave no space for doubt
Implicit are inferred by the help of explicit ones
If you can point out a text and refer back to it, then it is explicit
Both signals are important in conveying or decoding the meaning of messages, whether literal or figurative
Implicit is understandable with the help of gestures and movements
General ideas and the statements that express them are kind of like umbrellas
General ideas cover broad categories or groups of people or things and usually express the overall aspects, characteristics, or elements of these categories or groups
General ideas tend to communicate broad topics
Specific ideas and statements offer that support
Specific ideas usually clarify, explain, and illustrate general ideas statements by referring to particular individuals, ideas, or things
Specific ideas tend to express distinct characteristics
General ideas usually express the main point or main idea of a piece of writing
General ideas present the topic
Fantasy is an event that cannot happen in real life